20,000 mile service cost

I would be more concerned with the brake fluid ( change every two years) and greasing the rear shaft spline!
Oh and using the correct engine oil! Has the owner done any maintance over the last three years?
I would be more concerned with the brake fluid ( change every two years) and greasing the rear shaft spline!
Oh and using the correct engine oil! Has the owner done any maintance over the last three years?

Yes, all at the dealership.
Yes, all at the dealership.

That's good, just buy the bike and enjoy. Do your research on this site, keep an ear on valve noise and then decide if you want to try the valve maintance yourself. Plenty of good people here to help you along with the process! Good luck and I know you will love the bike!
For awhile, the valve clearance check was recommended at 10,000 miles, then went to 20,000. When I bought my 2013 RR, the Dealer said for the 10,000 mile service, they only checked valve clearance, "IF" there was some ticking noises. It is quite a bit of what I would call "intricate" work, and I would only trust a very experienced mechanic, familiar with the Rocket, to touch my bike for that job. My 2013 is closing in on 20,000, and is as quiet as when new. And I believe a lot in the old "if it works, don't fix it" theory.

The fly in the ointment there is that early on, the valve faces can wear more quickly than the cam/shim (especially the exhaust valves) so you lose clearance, that means the valve doesn't fully shut and can be burned. It was a big problem on the V-45,V-65 Honda's. It didn't usually ruin the valves, they would just get carbon on the sealing faces that had to be removed by hand. The valves are nice and quiet while they are destroying themselves.
The old school guys use to use the mirrors for their guide! When your mirrors vibrate to much, time to check your valves.

On my rocket it seems the left mirror vibrates more than the right? What does that mean?
Throttle bodies on that side, maybe they are out of sync? When I balanced my throttle bodies I had a bit less vibration. But then again it always vibrates at a certain rpm, then I shift gears and it goes away! So I use the mirror as a tach!