2 week old Rocket is this normal

Jim, you should be sacred to dead by now!
2 days to go!!!!
Scared to Dead? Lol ! dude youve got me rolling over here!

I'll have some beers in the cooler when you get here!
Handling issues can be solved easily by simply turning the little key between the headlights and instruments to the left two clicks. Simple. Maintaining the key two clicks to the right invariably results in hooligan antics, power wheelies and over exposure to the local constabulary.
Rocketitus is also known as thirsty throttle syndrome. There is no cure but it can be suppressed by riding virtually anything else. Learn to live with it.
Not only have I got a severe case of Rocketitis,
but it's contagious,
my lovely wife has also contracted it.
A result, no doubt of living in the presence of one so badly affected by the known symptoms.
I haven't found a cure, but any time mine is down for whatever reason,
I have noticed withdrawls.....
almost like an addict waitting on their next fix....
But it ain't so bad really, I mean it could be worse,
we could have harleytosis.