1st long ride on the R3T

Their website has the crampbuster and the throttle rocker. Doesn't seem like any difference between the two. Have you looked at the throttle rocker?
Their website has the crampbuster and the throttle rocker. Doesn't seem like any difference between the two. Have you looked at the throttle rocker?

Not sure who's website you're speaking off (perhaps Avon Grips) because Crampbuster and Throttle Rocker are two different companies. That being said, yes I looked at both. I went with the Crampbuster CB4 (I think) because it has the right side offset. Both items are very similar. A friend was buying one months ago and a customer at the Harley dealership told him the rubber friction TRs work better than the velcro TRs. A right side offset (called the TR Left Side) is only available in velcro from Throttle Rocker, and only friction hold from Crampbuster.

They are so incredibly similar that I don't think you can go wrong with either. Just pick what you think will work best. I wanted to push mine as far to the grip end as possible.
Here is the site I was looking at: Original Motorcycle Cruise Control - Crampbuster. Throttle rocke has a link at the top. Maybe they ar sister companies. Anyway, I went ahead and ordered the crampbuster d4. $10 and free shipping? Worth a try!
Ptt, I'm not seeing a model d4. I see the cb2 and cb4. The cb2 is for grips 1 3/8" or smaller. The cb4 is for 1 3/8" or larger. I want to order one, but not sure which is the proper fit. I'm thinking the cb2 may fit tighter than the other one.
Ptt, I'm not seeing a model d4. I see the cb2 and cb4. The cb2 is for grips 1 3/8" or smaller. The cb4 is for 1 3/8" or larger. I want to order one, but not sure which is the proper fit. I'm thinking the cb2 may fit tighter than the other one.
Sorry brain cramp. I got the cb4 off of Anomaly's recommendation. So it's his fault if it's wrong.
CB4 fit both the Triumph R3T and Honda Shadow stock grips no problem. Also I couldn't verify ownership but both ThrottleRocker and Crampbuster are manufactured by the same company RyKel Industries. I guess that's why PTT found the TR link on the CB website
Ok, so I enjoy a bit of research. It seems the throttle assist was created in 1989 by a Daryl Dickerson and patented in 1990. Daryl and Karen Dickerson own RyKel who both own and manufacture Throttle Rocker and Crampbuster. It is likely one of the two companies was a clone product and the company was acquired by Rykel. As far back as I can tell the Crampbuster was made by RyKel, the Throttle Rocker was originally produced by a company called Aztec.

...the more you know.