1600 km forks leaking !!

Thats bad luck , I cant see the dealer is being truthful , once cleaned it would not return my guess like mine was strapped down above the forks .. Mine were both blown... If they cleaned the bike prior to handing it over to you that does not seem a reasonable explanation..My guess is as they are big old beats transporters overreact and nail them down ...

Have a good trip to France let us know how the forks go ...

Good Luck
What part number fits the new Rockets?
Thanks Puddlehopper, will do. I’m sure the dealer will sort it when I get back

Stingray….I have no idea, sorry
$6 amazon fork credit card scrapers.
Or make your own.
High chance it was some assembly bs that is on the seal.
If it still leaks... raise a stink over it.
You should see how horrific triumph is about assembly cleanliness. They are almost at the very bottom of the s list.
Regarding pitbull, they won't have one specifically marked for rocket 3s. You would have to find one that fits.

On second thought, the 2500s may not actually be compatible with the rear stands due to swingarm, but you could use a good high support chalk and the net that goes over the rear tire to hold the back in place, like this:

Would keep strap impact on suspension minimal.
Yeah, that won't work with the Trik fender. Thanks.
Trip to France failed on day 1
Triumph repatriated my bike (took 3) weeks, then the bike bike broke down again whilst riding it home from the dealer.

Full story on my thread ‘Stuck in France’

…..never did get the seals situation addressed
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