Old Ladies
A couple of you guys are Old Ladies. I asked two easy questions. Has anyone experienced overheating of the rear brake or a front end wobble. For the record, I found the wobble because I have a throttlemeister so my speed was set and I was unzipping a vent in my Jacket
I was running hard through the twisties using my front and rear brakes. You can't go too hard on the R3T front brake because it causes the front suspension to dive in a turn. Also anyone who has run the Rocket hard knows you can't go too hard on the rear or you would lock up and wash out. The rear brake "failed"...very simple. I should not have to worry about it. I was keeping up with a couple of GT's because I think I am a better rider that those guys. They could have been newbies for all I know. I really doesn't doesn't matter. If they knew their equipment, I would have lost sight of them in a minute or two.
For the record, I have raced scrambles, hill climbs, mud races, flat track, and amateur road racing. I have been very fortunate to have been able to own dirt bikes, street bikes, naked bikes, cafe` racers, BMW's, H.D.'s (hardtails, softails, & touring suspensions). I started riding when I was nine and have had a MC license 44 years.
Thanks for the riding lessons though, I really don't mind and I am still open to new ideas especially about my favorite subject and pastime...motorcycles.
I like my R3T and would rather ride long distance on the Triumph than any H.D. on the market. If I was really putting on the miles I would be sporting a Goldwing, BMWGT or an LT.