'14 R3R tranny blew up (46,000 miles)

Good suggestion!
The squeaky gate gets the grease!
Glad no one was hurt. Assuming it's out of warranty, it might be best to find a replacement. But, I would have the replacement's transmission reworked by Robinson Industries. They do some upgrades and offer a billet 4th gear. My 2014 R3R 's transmission started acting up at 45,000 miles. I immediately pulled the engine to have Robinson redo the trans. A stock trans is likely to fail and next time you might not be so lucky. Warp9.9 mentioned having a Carpenter engine in a wrecked bike. Maybe he's willing to part with it. I've got a Carpenter 210 HP engine and am very pleased with the performance. More torque, more HP, more noise. What's not to love?

My take:
I have the 2014 r3r interested in others who have the 14 if they have or had perhaps starting to have issues with their trans I think it depends a great deal how you ride it or how the previous owner rode it.. or is it a design issue that it's not matter of if but when
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The most common problem appears to be caused by a circlip being fitted, from the factory, with the incorrect orientation. The rounded inside edge gets slammed against the edge of its race in the output shaft and eventually jumps out allowing the output gears 3, 4 & 5 to engage all at once...good times.

Also common is the rounding of the dogs on pretty much all gears with dogs - the windows on adjacent gears don't seem to wear as much but together the wear leads to trans that jump out of gear regularly.

Both are very easy and relatively inexpensive to fix and could be taken care preventatively if you could be bothered.
Oh dear...i heard a rumour that new cases were in the vicinity of AUD 10k so likely 7k US

Clearly something catastrophic has occurred inside....Time to find a donor bike and part out the bits you don't need i reckon

Nah they are only Au$7000 here in Oz! Bargain.
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I have been real lucky. 66,000 miles and no issues. Still makes me nervous reading about this. Most of my riding is done on open highway back and forth to work very little shifting. There has been more than a few Rocket X's that have had the transmission go south. Not a good thing a all. Alpental your good people hate to see this happen.
Well I called the local Triumph shop and asked them to reach out to Triumph, but they just gave me Triumph's contact info. They gave me a "sorry 'bout your loss" and the best they'd offer was 20% off parts when ordered through a dealer. Since Triumph doesn't sell a complete motor, the dealer estimated it would be around $8,500 in repairs, so that route is out.
I appreciate it. Maybe it's getting time for a little Robinson preventative maintenance?
I wonder if the circlip orientation could be determined at this point either with a scope through the hole in the case or during a teardown...?