12 Volt Power Socket Install

I bought a couple of all weather power outlets at auto zone they have spring loaded covers so no chance of misplacing the cover. Installed one where Brian has his and installed the other one on the radiator cover, I picked up an extra rad cover on e-bay for $8.00
They are clearly marked 12v so as to stop Skip from sticking anything in the socket that should not be stuck in.

excuse the mess of the bike it started to pour as I was riding
What mess? That is a clean motorcycle and the right color to boot.........
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i just used a cig lighter from advance auto and hooked it to the battery
I've been thinking of installing the aux socket. I took off the frame cover but couldn't see a plug. It was getting late so decided to look again when the light was better. Had a look a couple of days later and still couldn't see a plug/connectors that looked spare. Gently pulled on a few wires in case it was tucked away but again saw nothing.

Any pictures or further info on what to look for please? Bikes a 2014 Roadster.
On my Roadster the aux socket is mounted in a plastic triangle under the left side of the seat.
I just got one of these http://www.kuryakyn.com/products/2098/electrical-power-point - right up there on the handlebars, put it between the two handlebar mounts. Putting an extra slim 12-volt-to-USB adapter inside it gives me a great solution for charging my phone when I use it as a GPS. No messing around with outlets below the seat and trying to thread temporary cables to where you want them to go... the power is available where I need it, on the bars. Thought about doing something to get power to one of the panniers too for charging stuff in there but haven't felt the need.