I just got the 10k service, my bill was $411.00. That was w/o the oil change and air filter service (did these myself), this includes the labor for installation of my Progressive front springs and a shifter shaft seal (which I thought should of been covered under warranty). They also installed my new chrome valve cover (my smart, I thought this was a good time to have it done). They did check my valves and record the clearances on the back of the work order (that was impressive), he also changed out my brake fluid and bled the brakes (I didn't ask him to do this) the brakes work much better than before the service. The mechanic said he never had to adjust valves on a R3 at a 10K service just like some of you said. I was happy with the service at Hap's Cycle in Sarasota, FL and would go back. I think Ft Myers BMW would of been much more and I would of had to deal with alot of *****ing and moaning.
That's what happens when snow is rare. People just don't know how to deal with it. We even saw it here during our Dec snows. People who were in four wheel drive vehicles thought it would also help them stop quickly. A guy in a truck was following right on my tail. I just kept slowing down until he got ticked off and passed me in a huff. The next day I saw the same truck in a ditch.
It seems I got out of Oklahoma just in time. It was 20 deg F the day I departed for home and then came the ice.
We also had snow here in PO on Tuesday but it was all gone by about noon. Our daughter is visiting from Texas and was pretty happy to see it. She likes Texas and its culture but misses the seasons and loves the Pacific Northwest. She was born in N Seattle and received her Air Force commission while working at Madigan Army Hospital, Ft Lewis.
I always wear a full face in winter. Those friggin' gravel/sand facials hurt.
I drove in this morning at 35 miles an hour with fools driving by me at 70, most ending up waiting on a wrecker in the bar ditch! :lol: Black ice all over the roadway but it will be gone by noon.