10K service check and the shim check

Wow! Mine was under $500 as I recall. I am due for a 20K. I'll change the oil and filter and they can do the rest. I want someone to look at the final drive fluid.
Well i was told not to bother with the valve check at 10,000 miles as they were bound to be ok.But i just had to know .That niggling thought at the back of my head would have kept me awake for ages tossing and turning in bed.As you do :lol: .So i went for the big service.Glad i did as a few where out and had to be shimmed.The mechanic did tell me which ones but that was last year and ive had a drink since then.He also fixed my soggy front brakes but it only lasts a couple of weeks and then its back to normal.Ive bled them myself a few times but it makes no differance.Only thing that works temporey is shoving the calipers back.
Changing oil in a liquid cooled engine like the rocket every 5k is a waste of resources. The synthetic oil recomended for the rocket will go 10-15-k miles easy. Since we run unleaded fuel these days your oil (even fossil based oil) will last about 3 times longer, without braking down. Twas the chemical residue from leaded fuel that used to trash your oil ! I learned all about engine oil from an aviation piston engine management class took in college. for what thats worth!
Hey Mike...you most likely know this...you mentioned getting the final drive fluid checked....I'm reading lately that the spline area is different than checking the fluid level which can appear ok but not show the dry spline!! Just a heads up :lol:
Barbary Coast Rider said:
Hey Mike...you most likely know this...you mentioned getting the final drive fluid checked....I'm reading lately that the spline area is different than checking the fluid level which can appear ok but not show the dry spline!! Just a heads up :lol:

There was a thread on this and I will ensure the shop checks the splines. That is a "must do" check with BMW final drives so I am very surprised that it is not the same with the Rocket.

Dubs. We've had a thread or two on the subject of oil and frequency of changes. I have to agree with you. Some years back I was trying to sort this out and read a number of studies and articles on the subject. Always interesting. One of the best was three part series in American Iron. The air cooled V-twin is of course a different beast but the series focused not on the engine but the chemistry of oil.

I have to agree with you. This hyper expensive full synthetic Triumph Mobil 1 oil should be good for at least 10k miles. I had mine changed at 15K and it still looked new.