10K service check and the shim check


Apr 28, 2007
South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
One of my rocketIIIs is due its 10K service. Whats are your thoughts on having the shims checked at this service (as it comprises half of the service cost from the dealers)?

For those who are interested, here are the different checks on the different services:
Either that or they didn't expect anyone riding a Rocket to live long enough to reach 60,000 !! :lol: :lol:


they had no intentions of the bike lasting longer than that!!


idk said:
Does that mean that I can stop servicing my bike about a month after the snow disappears? Triumph doesn't tell us to service them after 60,000 miles.

I believe I would revert back to the 10K or 20K service and repeat every 10K based on the chart.

Looks fairly consistent every 10-20K miles as far as their maintenance recommendations. :D
yes check valves, but you can do it yourself, its listed in the how to section, really easy to check, but a bit more involved to swap shims..
Why do I change my oil at 5000k because its the best perventive matenence that you can do . yeah it costs abit cause I use synthetic oil but I had planned on keeping the bike for a long time .
I had one valve out of spec which required a shim replacement. We all know that the the recommended services can be expensive and that chances are that your valves clearances will all be within spec. Consider that this is your first internal look though Leigh.

I am of the opinion that when I have this much money "invested" in my Rocket, I am not going to put it at risk for $180.

At some point though I think one should be able to do all the services, to include valve adjust. I used to do it on my Kawis which were shim under bucket. I'd check the valve clearance, look at the chart to see what I needed and head out to the local dealer to buy the shims at about $2-$3 each. I generally needed one or two every 12k miles.

Well, just my thoughts.
All - thanks for the responses.

Mike, this would be my first internal look at the engine alright :wink: . Only recently I feel comfortable enough to change the engine/diff oil myself - and thats after watching MsLizz's hubby do it first. I do not exagerate when I say im cursed with mechanical activities. My hands are skilled instruments of destruction - I can destroy threads with a simple flex of my wrists :lol:

I have decided the get the dealer to do it this time - as you say, since I have a fair few greenback invested in the bike. I will do the small service items myself hereon - and as Axel suggests (and he isnt the only one to suggest this) since this Red Rocker bike is my IronButtAssociation ride, I like to think that the application of a few bucks of new oil and a filter help the enigne along.
..Leigh, I had my 10,000 mile service done by the dealer too..$700.. :shock: ..mainly for documentation purposes as much as anything else..all valves were within specs requiring no shims..but if ya trust the dealer's service work, at least ya can ride with peace of mind..........or not.. :lol: