06 gearbox problem


.020 Over
Feb 7, 2018
06 R3, 08 speed triple, 75 FXE
Its jumping out of gear then back in just in second gear. How much to fix?

Whats it worth to sell as is 06 12000 ks
160hp 170nm at wheel new rear tyre
Sounds like it's probably worn dog rings, exact symptom i had initially.

Fixing is pricey, almost all labor costs, cases have to be split, engine pulled from chassis.
Hi Stuey.

I had this done last year in New Zealand with the up date kit for my black engine 06.

Cost $2500 for kit and another $3000 for the install.

I got a lucky break tax man tax return was more than the repairs.

Where abouts is Oz are you??
Brizzy. Did it shift through first second better than new? Mines only 12k ks ridden paperwork from new first owner was complaining about lower gear clunky shifting. Which was still the case when i got it at 9k ks then when we added power 2nd gear problems arose now is worse
I've done a complete rebuild of all output gears and 3/4 on input side...the biggest single improvement came from undercutting all the gears. There are plenty of 250+ bikes running stock boxes with no dramas so it might pay to have a good look at your clutch disengagement too? 12k is pretty early for worn dogs unless you're into clutchless shifts

@warp9.9 might still have some pics for you to look at
So you have increased the power out put!

Mine only slipped out of 2nd gear maybe 5 times the last time was At 130kph
The bang that made I almost fell off the bike.

Was in the shop 3 days later update kit ordered 2 days before dropping at the shop.

It only ever happened under extremely hard accerating which doesn't happen too often now