05 rocket running rough


Standard Bore
Aug 5, 2010
Tobago west indies
anyone got any ideas my bike started running rough just lately below 2000 rpm checked vacum hoses, cleaned out fuel filter, new plugs and still no joy i thought it could be a bad coil but if i give her gas she goes like s---t .
The idle is rough and cuts out like shes firing on two but then as she warms the revs increase and she picks up, i have a 200050 ecu tune on and it shows cylinders 1,3 running equally balanced and the middle one about 50 out of balance from the other two. i also noticed the ignition in ecu shows different readings and the injector pulse is also different when i thought all would be the same please if anyone can throw some ideas in the pot i will try all, as i live on a small island with no dynos or proper mechanics lol regards john.
The only thing I can think of is that the vacuum hose for number two is partially blocked or kinked thus changing the pulse/ignition/balance values. Check all bolts connecting throttle bodies to the engine and look for possible leaks. Good luck.
Have you done a compression check, if ecu is showing a discrepency and center pot can run hotter so it could have nipped up and sealed a ring in the groove especially if your running lean, hope its not this..good luck
Your 1 and 3 cylinders are supposed to be tuned to number 2. Synchronize the cylinders using your TuneECU. Then see how it runs.

If it's still rough replace all your vacuum hoses. Then see how it runs.

Keep eliminating problems one at a time, you'll eventually find the culprit.

The 200050 tune is the original factory tune for the stock setup. This was the tune that caused the bad idle and was replaced by triumph with 20222 tune in 07 to fix the problem. Mine is stock, except fo the gipro, and uses the 20222 and runs great, but it ran crappy, just like yours, until triumph installed the 20222 tune.

Check the list of tunes at the link:


Thanks for the list however, i have tors, underseat k&N and cat delete.so that tune probably would not be of any use,before i installed the tune.ecu she had powercommander on and then standard nothing but stock factory tune and i still had the same probs,so this weekend i will take it all apart and trace back the hoses.
i did check them about a week ago and disconnected them from under the tank i was able to blow through the two outside hoses where the meet at a triple connector but the bottom hose which is much larger was completely blocked didnt know if this one had a return valve fitted or not it seemed so does anyone know if that should be clear or indeed has a valve in line thanks everyone love the support on this site .

Thanks for the advice ,i realised that no 2 was the one to balance too but no matter how i tried i could not get the 1 & 3 to come down to the same value as 2, she would run rough and stall so i increased 1&3 above the no 2 value until she purred nicely. obviously there is a prob with no 2, i am going with the vacum hose advice if i find the culprit i will post it thanks a bunch great site.
each throttle body has a vac nipples that are plugged and number three has two of them. They dry rot and crack check and replace them when your running the hoses. Having a look see at the plugs will be hard ubtil you add the triple filters.