
  1. How to match Vin number to get proper TuneEcu map?

    Trying to get a TuneEcu map for 2020 Rocket 3 GT, but for the life of me cant figuerout how to match my VIN number to the Maps! Thank you.
  2. Unrestricted Map 31248 all markets for Rocket 3GT/GT Black from VIN AV5457 ETV/F/Afr Tables modified 7400 Rev limit

    Finally the all market map for the Rocket GT Now on the Tune ECU homepage Prost Ulf
  3. Unrestricted Map 31254 all markets for Rocket 3R/R Black from VIN AV5456 ETV/F/Afr Tables modified 7400 Rev limit

    Finally the all market unrestricted map Now at the Tune ECU homepgage Prost Ulf
  4. Changing original frame for a custom one - can I keep old UK reg?

    Afternoon Guys, I have started a project (non Rocket) which includes replacing the original frame with a new, custom built one in a different style (hard tail) I still have the original frame with the VIN on the V5, and the new frame has it's own number. So my question is, how do I go about...