valve adjustment

  1. First Valve Check for Fiona, my '14 R3T...

    I'm just shy of 30K miles on Fiona and I decided to go ahead have the valve's checked. Each one was out of spec. With the intake valve spec being .10-.15 mm, mine were .18 .23 .18 .20 .20 .20 respectively. For the exhaust valves, the spec is .15-.20 mm and mine were .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25...
  2. Needed valve adjustment, fuel injectors, exhaust leak………

    How can I identify that “ticka-ticka-ticka” sound coming from my engine? I have a 2012 Roadster, and it seems like the noise has been there all along. I get different opinions from everyone; valves that need adjusting or it’s just the fuel injectors and it’s normal (both from a dealer, whom I...
  3. Woodpeckers

    I hesitate to start a new thread on this. I've searched the archives and have found a few bits of information, but I really could use some feedback. Background: I completed a valve adjustment- just one intake out of spec (too loose) that came in perfectly right in the middle after a shim...