I recently downloaded 20258 tune after installing TORS on my 08 R3T. Starts and runs fine so far however I'm afraid to take it on the road until just yet. With the new tune I noticed the exhaust glows red right away on start up at idle. Is this normal?
I'm getting ready for a 1500 mile ride...
I've got an 06 R3 Classic with TORS and CAT delete...no intake mods at this time.
It would appear that tune 20219 is the proper tune for this setup...can anyone confirm this before I load? Anyone using a different tune with this same setup?
Just waiting on the USB cable to come in and...
07-30-2011 TuneECU 1.9.8. now Released
* TPS indicator refresh in Tests mode fixed
* Display of MAP value in Diagnostics mode fixed (4 cylinder models)
BR, Tom
Hey gang,
I can't get my 2008 Rocket III Touring to run right since installing Jardines. I have a single K&N under the seat and I'm not inclined to attempt the triple K&N mod, so please don't suggest that!
I'm getting lots of popping on deceleration while downshifting, especially while...
I have an 06 Classic with TORS, stock filter, and Triumph TORS tune. I will be installing a CAT delete and PCIII this weekend, but cannot find a tune on the DynoJet site that lists these specific mods, which I would think are pretty common. I see one for these + the Triple K&N's, but nothing...
I will be installing a CAT Delete and PCIII this week (to go along with already installed TORS), and want to get my bike Dyno-Tuned for optimal settings and performance. Anyone know of a good Dynojet Tuner in DFW area?
I have an '05 with Jardines. What tune is correct?
20228 says "aftermarket silencers with out catalyst"
20226 says "aftermarket silencers with catbox removed"
Both seem correct for my Rocket.
Is the tune listed on the TuneEcu for stock Roadster exactly the same as the tune that comes on the bike from the factory or is it a modified tune to improve the running of a stock motor.
When I was in Utah the dealership said I had a recall somthing to do with the idling but there was no charge so they fixed whatever even though my idle seemed fine.
Now I moved to Tronto and find that it doesn't seem as good on gas and it seems to backfiring and you get a popcorn sound when you...
went and had throttle bodies balanced ( long job just to acess the thing) reset tps & idle actuators, $ 210.00, remapped for stock exhaust ,full power, no cat, tune 020227 does that tune sound ok?? bike works good, doeen't idle perfect but better than it was. also found exhaust leak in cat...
hey guys,
im not gonna scan in the results but i had my bike tuned.
TORS, 3 k and n, staintune crossover pipe i bought off of fat frank and a gi-pro.
we used a pc5.
first, the tuner told me that because of the way the ecu reads rpm (duty cycle of the injectors) it was a little trickier to tune...
I have the Tors and triumph cat delete spaghetti pipe collector on my rocket with the standard headers . only kept the standard headers because i prefer the factory look of the chrome covers even though i know custom headers done rite would be better performance wise.
Also did the triple K&N...
Okay.. So I have my bike from the dealer. They loaded the TORs tune which sucked with the Jardines and was so lean I probably shouldn't have ridden it home.
I apparently don't know what I am doing when I load a tune, because the bike is now not idling again and running like crap and it...
Hey Guys,
Ive got a set of Jardines on the way to replace my D&Ds, so now I need a tune that will work for them. I'm running triple K&Ns ,Tuneboy and No Cat.
Hey Guys
I live in the Toronto area and was wondering if anyone else in Canada has a Rocket with the Tuneboy program? My recently acquired Rocket has a Predator exhaust and K and N's and is Tuneboy equipped. Looking to find a good shop with experience and knowledge with the program.