just got a trunk for sweetttennbabe and lookin for the best way to hook up the lights for it without splicing the wires if possib it is a mutazu trunk
Black and red for sale on their website, I would buy it myself if I had an extra $1000 laying around. Just thought I'd pass it on to everyone here since I can't afford it.
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I was over at the Triumphrat.net site and spotted a thread that perked my interest. Xchopper had gotten a trunk with a seat rest for his wife and it looked pretty sharp. This trunk looked like it would be at home on either the Standard/Classic Rocket and I imagine with a few modifications could...
Hey you guys what do yo think of my VIP trunk with my spoiler? The spoiler lights work as brake lights and the back lights work as singnal lights the back pad is to hard so one day I'll make a softer pad for my wife. I would like to paint my radiator black with a black spoiler and keeping the...
I just read on the other site that Leatherlyke now has a trunk for the Rocket III. I just ordered the brochure. In case anyone else interested in looking at it the phone number is 1-800-594-2008. The lady I spoke to did warn me though that production is running a bit slow right now.