
  1. Annoyed with Triumph right now.

    So long story short, I bought my 2015 R3T about 4 months ago and am having transmission issues. It has ~5700 miles on it and I got it new, old stock. From day one it has always been a bit finicky about finding 1st gear from Neutral (almost exclusively on a cold start). About 1 out of every 10...
  2. Transmission Update Needed?

    i heard that the early Rockets with silver engine are supposed to get a transmission upgrade? Is this correct? Obviously I am out of warranty by now. What should I do to rectify this? '05 Rocket Standard.
  3. transmission problem update

    went to the dealership and had a good look a the engine and transmission all spread out on a table ,bike skeleton hanging over a lift table what a sad look !! ok I mentioned I had a "slapping metallic sound " when loading the engine in 4th and 5th at 2500 rpm and above .. I expected to...
  4. Roadster transmission problems sorted.... My a***!

    I am now the proud owner of a 2011 (2012 "updated model") with a shot gearbox; an estimate for 2500 repair bill and not a hint of support from Triumph. The dealer tells me they are very powerful and it all has to go through a bike gearbox so you need to ride them like a cruiser....... What price...
  5. Gearbox cr*pped out

    OK, seems like my transmission just cr*pped out while riding back from work today. Symptoms: Bike is jerking violently (like going in and out of gear quickly) and making nasty mechanical noise when you open the throttle more than 1/3 way in 4th gear on the freeway If you just cruise along at...
  6. Transmission Problem...? Crap!

    I think that I have a dreaded transmission problem that seems to be more common than not on 05' R3's. I was riding up an on ramp, and it started grinding (like the gears were almost meshing, but not quite). I got it pulled over, and it happened in 1st and 2nd, but went into 3rd. And then I...
  7. Gearbox Trouble with 2013 Rocket III Touring

    I bought a slightly used 2013 Rocket III with just about 1200 miles on it. Almost right away I started noticing that when I downshift from 2,3,4,5 gear I can not catch a neutral. So say when I need to stop at intersection, I have to downshift all the way to the first and then back to neutral...