Well, I bought my 2013 R3T back in November and was able to put about 200 miles on it before winter blew in. It's been cold cold cold but little snow this year in Nebraska. I did buy a bucket seat and backrest and am really itchin' to ride the beautiful beast. I gets harder as I get older to...
Looking to get a horn on the bike that isn't silly. At first I thought just to replace the stock with a serious air horn but then found the "Screaming Banshee" info - it adds the air horn but doesn't replace the stock, so you can still give a friendly toot or hold the button down a quarter...
I'm not 100% happy with how the bike looks with black tires, tbh. The front especially looks chunky to me, so since it's tire time anyway I figured why not try to find whitewalls?
The front is a no-brainer, I suppose - Metzeler Marathon ME880 come in the appropriate 150 with WWW - wide white...
Here are some shots of my 2008 R3T with 6 piston Hayabusa calipers.
Some may have a more expensive or exotic 6 pot setup. I just really
enjoy using my mechanical design background to make one-off parts
for my Rocket. This complete setup ran me about 40% the cost of buying
some off the shelf...
A guy on the Triumph Rocket 3 Roadsters touring classic page on FaceBook just posted that the R3T has been discontinued after 2014, anybody else hear of this?
I know I know! never believe anything you read on the Internet..... :whitstling:
I'm looking to possibly sell my black Rocket 3 Touring. I bought it new from the dealer with 13 miles on it. It's got the gel seat, 2 backrests, touring lights with the bezels, hard bags with the chrome accents, and luggage rack. I'm pretty sure it has every dealer option available. It's...
Hey out there in R3TLand, do you ever wish your ride had more brakes up front?
Consider that Triumph uses this same caliper on other models that weigh HUNDREDS
of pounds less than our R3T's?
I took a look and decided I wanted more. So I did some CAD layout work and designed
some nifty little...
Don't know how many of you guys have seen this - I just saw it for the first time this morning.
The rider is VERY conservative! He uses almost none of the available lean angle and doesn't apex most of the turns - just tracks around them - mostly straight up. I know he's 2-up, but there's...
I will have my 2011 Touring tuned soon on a Dynojet. It has a PC5, Jardine headers/exhaust, and underseat K&N a/c. The a/c will not be changed. What are reasonable torque (at 2000 rpm) and HP goals to expect a "good" tuner to achieve? Unfortunately, it's impossible to get the bike to Wayne...
VMAX has convinced some folks that it's a cruiser, but it sure as hell can't pretend to be a tourer. Is any production tourer as fast as the R3T? I've got a feeling that the correct answer is a resounding "HELL NO!"
I am planning a 2 week trip next summer and would like to use a detachable trunk on my solo luggage rack for the trip. I am thinking about the DMY series from Matazu with the rack 1.
http://www.mutazu.com/products.php?cat_id=1&menu=DMY Trunk Series&product_id=285&s=prod.php
Hey Gang,
Love my 2013 R3T even though it’s put up for the winter (-14 wc today).
I managed to put on 150 miles or so last weekend. Love it so far.
I love how the R3T handles in slow maneuvers.
On the Rocket I'm much more at ease than on my Gold Wing in general.
It's amazing.
Have a few...
Is an Eastern Beaver Headlight Relay kit a good idea in a 2011 Touring or was the problem fixed by then? I'm having occasional no response episodes when I push the starter button (it always does start after 2 or 3 attempts).
Wayne, thanks so much for posting your tune for stock R3T's and I really appreciate your personal time to directly answer my dumb arse questions.
I loaded this tune in to my new toy with no issues. Being a new convert to the Rocket world, I thought it was pretty **** strong to begin with...
After totaling my 08 Classic, I'm getting a new Touring. It is the red/ black.
So will it be a huge difference? My classic was used mostly for long trips so I thought the Touring was the best choice.