Hi, I am looking to upgrade my 2017 rocket III in a way that will be compatible with a future TTL stage 1 or 2 supercharger yet still not get me arrested for excessive noise. I picked up these sound clips of each.
I like the...
Like many on the site I purchased the Ramair during the Black Friday sale.
I put Paul's Crossover on the other day and everyone said,"DO THE RAMAIR."
Here is my latest creation.
I've been poking around trying to find a new set of TOR silencers for my Roadster and can't seem to find any. I'd like to get them straight from Triumph if possible. Their website doesn't list them under Accessories, but they're still an option if you're running through the configurator for a...
I installed my TORs and Paul Bryant crossover today. A nice mellow tone with considerable bark when the throttle is blipped. So one of my questions is.... I have "not" installed my Ramair yet and don't plan to just yet. I am currently still running the Power Tripp Derestricting Tune that is...
Hi guys - already asked this one but has anyone got a tune that I can download using tune ECU on my 2014 roadster. It’s got tors on at the moment but will be adding the ram air kit soon. I have tried hanso but think he must be out of action for the time being so don’t want to keep hassling him...
Well, perhaps this is nothing new here. It seems these mods are common.
But I should say that I'm well happy with them.
So far in the last 3 weeks since buying my used 2006 Rocket Special Edition I've discovered it came with:
Maddog pipes
Staintune cat eliminator
K&N under seat air filter...
Hi guys, sorry if I've missed it. I searched. I see similar tunes, using 3 K&N's, mid pipe not mentioned. I had messaged HansO, but I understand he's been sidelined with some medical issues, I don't want to pester. I'm headed to Daytona in a week and a half, and need to get this sorted. Plat mid...
Just scored some NOS triple TORS and a cat bypass for the bone stock rocket
Which tune to use?
I see
I also saw that a that modified 20228 would be best
How much will this wake-up the bike
Does secondary throttle open 100% give any part throttle drivablility problems?
Sadly, due to a serious injury which isn't going to improve anytime soon, I've sold my R3R and bought a smaller, lighter bike. ( basically, I have lost the upper body strength and confidence to move the Rocket around in my storage shed ).
I have the following parts for sale :
1. A pair of new in...
Good afternoon everyone!!! so.... noob question here but I tried doing some research and looking into it as much as I could and found that the best tune for a 2015 R3R with Tors & Ramair is 20776?? is this correct or am I missing something :/ I'm trying to go for max performance here since I...
Hi guys,
I'm looking to call on your wisdom.
For those that don't know, I recently acquired my Rocket X. I don't particularly mind the sound and a few have commented that out sounds nice. I planned on upgrading the exhaust and filter. Ram air kit is on the way, but I don't know if the exhaust...
One of my tors has a rattle coming from inside the right side muffler. I don't have money for a new exhaust system. would I be able to cut the ends off the pipes and pull out the baffles or would I have better luck drilling a couple holes on the inner side of the pipe and running a machine...
Just thought I'd let everyone know that TORs are still available from the Triumph factory, but get 'em quick.
I just bought a pair of Black TORs (Part No. 9608144) from the UK for GBP191.67 plus GBP45.00 shipping to Ohio. That's US$300-310 delivered, depending what exchange rate the credit...