Just so I have an idea of what this should cost. Can someone please tell me what the TORS and Cat bypass should roughly cost. I am thinking this is the way I am going to go. It is either the TORS or the Jardines. I want a good clean loud but not defining sound.
Here's my attempt at a video of tors and cat delete. The video isn't great, but the sound is pretty true (sorry about the wind).
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Here's what you're looking at: 06 Tribal, HID headlights, Roadster screen, lower wind deflectors, Rivco risers, Classic handlebars, Throttlemeister...
Does anyone have fork deflectors on their Rocket? I had them on my VTX and loved them. I have seen the clear plastic ones that Triumph offers but would like to have metal chrome ones? There are various universal ones but I have no idea if they would work. If anyone has tried these and knows a...
Just couldn't hang with the high dollar plastic deflectors. Check out my album for the chrome ones (tip from this forum). These are longer than most , one hole drilled, relocated the turn signals to the driving lamp brackets. They work! Cost $49.
Has anyone noticed there front rotors loose:eek: shortly after I brought it home I noticed a clicking when I applied the front breaks? Could not find it, thought maybe the pads but no. Yesterday was looking at how the rotors are assembled I grabbed one and it moved. Not just front to back but...
I probably should have added on to Wilbur's thread but this is interesting in itself.
After Tom's reply to my other post on Wilbur's thread, I checked in the shop manual about my axial/radial play in the rotor assembly on both front rotors and found nothing.
I called my dealer, who, by the...
Last night, I installed the triumph LD's (THX IFLYU). Took about 30 minutes. Let me preface by stating I was riding all afternoon, b4 install. After install, I took my Red R3 on I-380, cranked her up to 100 (as we all no, they don't like below that speed especially RED) and WOW no buffeting...
The front rotors on the R3, like most new bikes, float on the mounting pins. If the pins get dirty, and the rotor can't float, you can get a brake vibration. This is the one thing the dealer took care of for me by cleaning and lubing the pins.
Anybody had any trouble with warped front rotors? Mine are not too bad, but I am getting some vibration when braking. What is Triumphs take on this concerning warranty?I also have some wobble from the front tire at 40-45 mph. Am trying to wait until I'm through wearing the front tire out so...
Put on the lower wind deflectors this afternoon. I was worried when I pulled out the green plastic fins. Thank goodness it was only the protective coating. After installation, I was surprised how little they show or get in the way. I'm not sure what damage it'll do to my gas mileage but...