I’ve had the rocket a few weeks now and would ideally like to put some low rise bars on it or possibly Tbars. Has anyone so pictures or information on this swap.
These are being built as I am writing this. Totally custom for me. My idea being put together by my friend and fabricator Eric aka Dr. Smash. I'm very excited.
Question for those with 1.5" T Bars fitted - If you have the fuel gauge or clock how did you go about re-mounting them, and also the combined switch for the heated grips/fog light.
I have a couple of ideas but suspect someone has already had a much better solution
Photos would be much appreciated!
well captains, havent been on for a long time but thought i'd post some pics of my new build,
i have posted some before and after pics as well,
enjoy. did all the work myself, except the paint. took her for her first run today, 85KLMS one way, didnt miss a beat