1. Dsanter

    T bars and low rise bars

    I’ve had the rocket a few weeks now and would ideally like to put some low rise bars on it or possibly Tbars. Has anyone so pictures or information on this swap.
  2. RazMan

    Oversize T Bars?

    Does anyone have a link for any oversize T bars (like the Thunderbike ones) in the UK?
  3. BigNorm

    Norm's T Bars

    These are being built as I am writing this. Totally custom for me. My idea being put together by my friend and fabricator Eric aka Dr. Smash. I'm very excited.
  4. BigNorm

    Custom t bars

    Is the guy who was making these still making them? Norm wants to know.
  5. Coppa

    T Bars question

    Question for those with 1.5" T Bars fitted - If you have the fuel gauge or clock how did you go about re-mounting them, and also the combined switch for the heated grips/fog light. I have a couple of ideas but suspect someone has already had a much better solution Photos would be much appreciated!
  6. Cruze Ryder


    well captains, havent been on for a long time but thought i'd post some pics of my new build, i have posted some before and after pics as well, enjoy. did all the work myself, except the paint. took her for her first run today, 85KLMS one way, didnt miss a beat