For those who have suffered the infamous ignition switch failure and decided to do the repair yourself, be advised that the plug and wire color mappings have changed with the new generation switch. Although the new switch comes with an adapter plug, you still need to know the color mappings...
My clutch switch starting messing up last week when i went to Texas to visit Ken.
Second time in a yeas and a half, anybody else with this problem and possible better solutions?:)
I've read that some say never to use the kill switch to shut the engine off except in an emergency. Others say it makes no difference if you use the key or kill switch. Is there any official word from Triumph or a mechanic from a dealer that use of the kill switch causes problems with the bike...
I can't seem to figure out how to release the switch/wiring assembly in order to try to re-solder the break.
This is what I see...
Any help is appreciated.
Hi All,
I have an 05 R3 with TORS, no CAT, and PCIII. Right before my 20k service, my bike was idling rough and shutting off. I took it in for service, and the problem was corrected. However, about 10 minutes after leaving, the bike started idling around 1500 rpm, and engine braking was...
Soooooo, went to start my 08 R3T, turned the key and..... nothing. No lights, no nothing.
Checked the battery and had 12.76 volts. All fuses are OK. I ran the bike last evening and parked it in my garage until this pm when this issue started. I went to work (via cage) and upon return from...
So, a while back I posted about my brake light staying on all of the time. That I fixed after finding shorted wires that ran to the rear brake switch. Today I go to start my bike at work, and it starts up fine. I ride off (btw I literally had the ****tiest night at work ever, I can't even...
I've decided to be a bit proactive and try to eliminate any ignition switch failures before they happen.
I'm sure you guys have got to be tired of answering the same questions over and over......... But I just want to make sure I do it right the first time so here goes it.
These are the facts...
I have read alot of post and haven't found one that describes the problem I am having.
when I take the key out and put it back in i can't turn it to on. I have to play with it alot before it works. I am afraid it will not work at all one of these times. Is this common to this machine. Other post...
Bike bandit has a tether kill switch for $29.99. Any body have experience or suggestion with where to get one for a decent price? $30 seems reasonable.
The track here requires one for bikes that exceed 120mph, I faked one last time and should probably get on for real. I also need to look at the...
I believe I have found the new style ignition switch connector.
The part #s are:
Also found it listed as a
Sumitomo DL Sealed Series
Here are links to the pictures...
I had the ignition switch replaced last September. I had the wiring harness for the ignition switch replaced a month later when it melted leaving me stranded several hundered miles from home.
Three times at RAA6, the bike acted like it wasn't going to come on. Then, this moring, it wouldn't...
Ok so Powertripp nicely explained what the difference between the F & L table are, but...
Is the switching from F to L or from L to F as I am thinking at whatever value I put in the "F L switching table?
Cheers, John.
What is the consensus for using the Kill Switch to shut down the bike? Some say it's not good...others say it's no problem.
Please be kind enough to state the logic behind your answer.
Thanks in advance.
I have been thinking about getting the Rivco risers, it feels like I have to lean a tad too for forward and after a while it gets to my back inside my right shoudler blade. Rivco advertises that you can keep the orginal lines with some "minor re-routing". What does that mean?? Has anyone...
Anyone have any step by step instructions on making this modification? Try as I might, I've been unable to get any decent candlepower out of my headlights...
I recently posted that my 06 Rocket has unfortunately experienced the ignition switch failure that seems to be very common among Rockets. I contacted two local dealers, and one stated that they were unaware of the problem and did not think that Triumph would replace the switch since the bike was...
Hi All,
This is my first thread so thank you...
I have a 2004 R3 with The Jardine System on it...I am completely satisfied with the performance of the pipes, but, they are just a bit too loud for me now...I'd prefer not to put the stock exhaust back on...
Has anyone tried to drill out the...
I had another captain contact me from another town last week and asked if I would mind if he could ride my bike and see if he would like going over to the darkside. I told him sure but that by riding my bike would spoil him because he wouldn't be used to that much power, LOL.
He came by the...