
  1. Gordy

    What are the options to upgrade rear suspension?

    What options are available to upgrade the rear suspension on a 2006 classic? I'm going to guess the newer 2,5s have better shocks ? .. I'm old school and parshall to an ohlin myself is there something they used to do that can be used ? I have a few VMax gen1s with ohlins but they are very...
  2. Larger rear tire... adjustment to rear suspension?

    Good afternoon y'all... I read through this great forum that you could fit a 240/55r16 rear tire on the rocket 3 roadsters. This worked out wonderfully for me but I have a question about rake and trail (heard this from a mechanic, still looking into how it works). The question is, do I need to...
  3. Best94

    Wheel alignment - pulling hard to the left

    My 2024 Rocket 3 Storm Gt pulls hard to the left and after a ton of research, i found that's how the motorcycle was supposed to be made with the front wheel not being in the centre of the forks. This is to counter the balance of the shaft and the triple motors. I understand the offset but many...
  4. Cunningham

    Front suspension leaking oil

    So about a month ago I noticed oily residue around my right front brake caliper and upon further inspection realized that the pistons were not moving at all. Took it apart, cleaned it all up, replaced all the seals (on both sides, mind you) and put it all back together. Brakes appeared to be...
  5. Micksan

    Rear Suspension Sag adjustment

    In the past, I have set my suspension sag. Just about everyone was supposed to be set for two inches. My weight is 215 Lbs. The owner's manual does not give any specific info. We took a ride up Rt 66 today. every bump felt like the rear end had no give whatsoever. For the front forks, I...
  6. RWR1956

    Suspension issues?

    Hi everyone. Am a new R3 owner in the UK, recently picking up a newish GT from a local Triumph dealer. Only completed about 130 miles so far, but something doesn't feel right about the suspension. At all speeds, there seems to be a very slight 'shake' or bounce to the bike (highish frequency)...
  7. elgaucho73

    Top Suspension Adjustment for Rocket 3 with col and Zig!

    Easy, very clear and quick Suspension Adjustment for my Rocket 3 R....this Setup works perfect for me....thanks so much to col and Zig! Great Work! Video Suspension Setup ROCKET 3
  8. Jay

    Electronic Suspension Options?

    Triumph demo truck spent the weekend at my local dealer this past week and turnout was slow, so I spent Saturday riding all the models I had time for. Took the Rockets out three times, because I had to. I took the 2023 Speed Triple 1200RR out for one of the sessions and almost bought it...
  9. Jay

    Trying to ID Plastic Part on Fork Damper Rod

    I am changing the fork oil in my 2013 R3T and decided to dismantle them to inspect the fork innards. Unfortunately I broke the little black ring on the damper rod in one of the forks. I am assuming this part aids guiding the damper rod and affecting the fluid flow by the way it is shaped. I...
  10. ArekDeBoss

    Suspension set up

    I am after sugestions for suspension set up for 2021 GT I'm a quite a heavy fella - 120kg and found suspension quite hard on my back. So what are you suggestions? Thanks
  11. 5011man

    Suspension bottoming out

    I hit a rather large pot hole the other day and noticed a clunk when I did. It sounded like the fork bottoming out. Today I hit a pretty big bump at speed heading up a hill and heard the same thing again. Anyone familiar with this experience?
  12. Magoo69

    2020 R3 GT suspension upgrades

    Hi guys, I love my 2020 R3 GT but I find the ride quality a bit lacking for my taste and for the conditions of the pavement around here(Massachusetts). I’ve softened everything as much as I can but still find it harsh‘ish . Does anybody offer suspension tuning for the R3 ? Thanks
  13. atomsplitter

    T-120 Suspension

    I have my Bobber front end off to get the Matris emulators installed, so I have been riding the T-120 Black for the past few months and generally enjoying the experience. Yesterday Tom (son-in-law) and I went for a ride around the area, one that we've done numerous times, however due to the...
  14. Ishrub

    FOURNALES Air SUSPENSION for Motorcycles and Rocket IIIs

    TRIUMPH ROCKET III 2300, Length 325mm, Magnum, Part no. MA 03 0068, Pressure 17.5 FOURNALES SUSPENSION SA, based in the south of France near Toulouse, has been designing and manufacturing their oleopneumatic shock absorbers since 1978. Company founder Jean-Pierre Fournales was initially a...
  15. atomsplitter

    Bobber Suspension Mods

    I posted the first ride resulted in a need for suspension upgrades. I ordered an Ohlins TR729 shock and the FKS-219 Fork Emulator Kit. The emulators were shipped from Italy because nobody had them stateside. Ordered the rear shock from AJS and they sent in a special order to Ohlins (my lard...
  16. sunny

    How to adjust suspension ? Rocket 3R

    hi, I am 135pounds / 60kg. I feel my rear suspension is hard, i feel bumps hard on rear suspension, In manual it says you can adjust them, can someone help me with it please? I dont understand which setting does what? there are 3 types of rear suspension adjustments
  17. buddazero

    Motorcycle Creaking / Grinding Sound?

    Hello, I have a Triumph Rocket 3 Roadster 2018, sometimes over the past couple of weeks, I would sometimes hear a creaking sound, or something grinding. I can feel it at my feet, it feels like something is grinding, It's not the breaks. I just got my Rocket fully serviced also. This creaking /...