Got weird things goings on with a 2011 Roadster. First of all I have had intermittent speedo dead for a while, where it will stay not working for sometime, then spring into life. However it is now permanently not working, no sweep when you power it up, no odo, but you can see the backlight...
This is a weird one but here goes.
Yesterday I fitted some LED turn signals to the rear together with an LED light and the appropriate relay to get everything to flash correctly.
The indicators, rear light/brake light all work perfectly but now the bike won't start!
The fuel pump primes and...
I'll keep this as short as I can.
Carpenter Kit
DEcosse Ignition
Yusa Battery that tests good
1.2kw starter
Extra 4 gauge ground cable installed
Temps have been low 40s in the morning.
Have the bike on a charger overnight, battery measures at 13.4 volts resting. When I hit the switch it tries...
Hello. New to the R3 Owners group, though I have had my 2006 Classic for a few years now (Cherry and New England White, 3200 mi). Made a mistake: left bike stored much longer than I ever imagined, 3 years, and with fuel still in the tank. So...where do I start in getting her going again? Not an...