1. cskals

    I need serious help with "missing spark".......

    Hi fellow Rocketeers. My 05' won't start. I have had it split apart, except the engine, and when I put it together again, it won't start. At first, no issue, it started fine, once or twice. After that it got harder and harder, and now it won't start at all. I think it has been started 5 times...
  2. canecorso

    Want to Buy Starter

    Looking for a 05 Starter for a Rocket 111 Classic or the gear part I think it 10 teeth
  3. Mongler07

    New Starter rebuild and new battery.... ISSUE with starting... baffles me... will not start on 1st crank attempt

    As some of you know i did a 1.4kw starter swap I also just changed out my battery to a new one as the old one was on its last legs and left me having to do a few push starts... NOW i have a unusual problem i have no idea whats going on but i assume its some relay or ECU issue? When i Go to start...
  4. FittedBuckle

    Issues with bike starting

    Hey everyone. A couple months ago I had issues getting my Rocket to start. Someone suggested checking the battery which I did and the battery is fine so I'll try to better describe the problem. When I turn the key to the on position and flip the toggle switch, the fuel pump cycles like normal...
  5. FittedBuckle

    Bike wont start. Starter?

    Hey everyone. A few days ago I was trying to start my Rocket 3 touring and noticed when i pressed the start button, it would attempt to turn once and then quickly stop followed by the fuel pump resetting. What I mean is after the initial fuel pump charge when you turn the key, I pressed the...
  6. No power to the starter

    Had trouble turning over so I left it on charge, now nothing, no click, lights not dimming, nothing. I'm thinking starter solenoid, anyone had similar issues, and do I go to find it?
  7. micromike1


    Hi Guys Anyone in the UK found a part number for the 1.4kw starter motor upgrade ?
  8. treycefus

    2006 R3 - Battery, starter, neg cable...???

    So I keep the bike on a trickle charger - or did. I have a bluetooth speaker set installed but disconnect it from the trickle charger connector when the bike sits overnight (so no draw there...). Yesterday I came out and 2 slow cranks then nothing. All lights came on and gauges reset. I...
  9. andy62

    Starter issues

    My Rocket Touring has been sitting in the garage now untouched for about 8 weeks. I tried to start it and it gave just a single turn of the motor and that's it. Battery seemed obvious culprit. One fully charged New Battery later and same problem. Any thoughts ?
  10. RaiderJim60

    Starter Upgrade for my R3

    Hi , any idea to upgrade my starter.
  11. RaiderJim60

    Starter Upgrade for my Carpenter R3

    Hi, I’m looking to beef up my stock starter on my modified R3. Carpenter stage 3 motor.any ideas please.
  12. fastfun

    Starter specs ?

    Is someone familiar with the amperagerate of the starter ?
  13. Bazzo

    Starter relay issue? am i right?

    more often than not I press the starter button and I get a click, bit bike doesn't turn over.. I stick it in gear and rock it, then normally it will turn over and start, maybe have to rock it twice.. My initial thoughts were either battery or starter motor / solenoid Fitted new battery anyway...
  14. scot in exile

    Installed new Starter

    The starter was acting up, removed it and installed a replacement (2nd hand) now me being the forever smart guy did not bench test the used starter and that bloody one was a no go also. Ordered a new OEM starter arrived in three days installed it - hit the start button -same old click-click boy...
  15. vindex1963


    Had it happen the last two cold starts. I hit the starter button and it turns over like the battery is bad then starts clicking. I let off the starter button and press it again and it turns the engine over fast and it starts. I hate to ask but where is the starter solenoid? I cleaned the starter...
  16. Bob R

    Uh-Oh, could it be the starter?

    Recently when starting my bike it will go chug-chug-chug-nothing. I wait about 2 seconds and it goes chug-chug-chug- vroom. The battery is fresh this year. I keep it on a trickle charger when parked. The only thing electrical I have done this year is to install the Suzuki R/R. Even when it does...
  17. Justin Lakes

    Starter won't turn engine over

    I can hear it engage, but it won't turn it over. You can hear the struggle Have to be careful because the starter and pos battery cable will get hot quick Battery has 12 volts Added jump pack Added jumper cables from truck Removed battery and just used jump pack Put bike in gear trying to rock...
  18. JSHRAM

    The real problem with the starter relay - starter mod issue

    I had the dreaded starter relay problem.. "Click.. " (un-click).... nothing... I read through all the posts and found the starter mod video whereby one adds a second relay to engage the starter relay.. OK.. did that. Didn't fix it. Here's why: The problem is the clutch safety switch. When...