stage 1

  1. 190hp with a tune and air filter? Stage 1

    This german shop was able to get 190 hp with just a tune and an air filter. Total price for 600 EUROS what you guys think? I would like to hear your views on this. FACEBOOK POST
  2. Just Fitted TTS Supercharger (Stage 1)

    Just fitted a TTS Supercharger (Stage 1) to my 2010 R3R. No other mods apart from upgraded fuel line.
  3. TTS-Performance stage 1 Supercharger post install suggestions

    My mechanic (Ron Lambert Goldwings Plus) has my 2017 up and running (pretty nicely I might add). We used TUNEECU and a map supplied by TTS-Performance that Ron tweaked mildly. My headers manufactured by Paul (VikingExhaust) is very hot (the coating is flaking off) and I'm concerned about...
  4. ECU issues after TuneECU map file load for 2017 after TTS-Performance stage 1 supercharger install

    Has anyone had problems like this after a similar effort? My mechanic installed the TTS-Performance stage 1 supercharger kit in my 2017 Rocket III roadster. We used TuneECU to load a map file supplied by TTS-Performance into the bike. The bike initially would not start. The engine would...
  5. silencer stage 1 kit

    just what in accomplished by changing your stock silencers to the stage 1 kit? Just louder? stock pipes where 2200415, 2200414 and 2200420. These came extra with the bike, apparently changed after purchase. pipes on the bike now are A9600233, A9600204, A9600205.
  6. Free to good home - TTS supercharger kit parts (stage 1)

    i've some leftover bits from the auto-tensioner pre-hydraulic clutch days of the TTS kit. if anyone has this revision of the kit and would like some spares, you can have this lot for the cost of the shipping (comes all together) that's a 100m crank pulley.
  7. For Sale 2011 Carpenter Stage 1 roadster. 2200 miles

    Selling my 2011 rocket roadster, only 2300 miles. You can see from the low miles I just don't have time to ride it much! Bought it new and condition is perfect. Had the stage 1 package put on around 200 miles and it has been awesome ever since. The stage 1 kit is really a great option, keeps...
  8. Carpenter Stage 1

    Hey all, I posted this at the .com too, but thought the more minds the better right? I am looking for some ideas – I had my dealer send the head and ECU into carpenter racing for the 210+ package. I also had them put the triple KN filters on and install the staintune xover since I already had...
  9. Butcher The Bearclaw Stage 1

    Well got up this morning with that what can I cut up today feeling, out to the garage and get the bearclaw out its from storage, first stage of the butchering process. I bolted back on I adjusted so there is a 5 mm gap around the top, will go for a longer ride around town then open road in the...