Those of you who have installed a sidecar to your rocket, did you change the triple trees for less trail? I've mounted a Champion Escort to my Rocket and find the steering extremely stiff! I have located a set of 5 degree raked trees that will reduce the trail from the 5.8" of a stock bike to...
got a old sidecar and want to mount it to my 04 rocket. want to be able to change back and forth thru the year thru several set ups, touring , town chopper, and chair .need to hear if anyone else has done it please.
Has anyone worked up a rocket three with a sidecar setup, and gone all the way with racked trees, and everything to make it correct?
How does it ride?
Should come with tracking devices. :eek: Black bread and 2 years of vodka. :rolleyes:
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Flip, just wanted to let you know that I also now belong to the "dropped my Rocket" club. Just before my trip this weekend I was turning around "slowly" in my driveway, too slow and too much lean in my gravel driveway, and down she went. No damage, except my ego took a beating. By the time I...
Hi, just came back from Triumph's event in Austria ( and I saw there few Rocket III with sidecars - anyone have any idea where they got ones and the price for them? Mostly I saw ARMEC. Some pictures here...
Evening all, is there another R3T owner with a chair fitted that I could discuss experiences with oil steering dampners? I have attached a double chair a month or so ago and am puzzled with problems encountered with the dampner and leading link forks. Regards Carey
Is anyone aware of a new Touring fitted with a sidecar? I know Watsonian Squires have a unit and fittings for a Rocket 3 but given the Touring has been touted as having a completely 'new' frame etc and shares the engine only in common with the 3 and Classic, I wonder if they have progressed to...
Merry Christmas and a happy prosperous New Year to all from SidecarFlip / Flipmeister Specialty Products.
When I bought my Rocket, I never in my wildest dreams thought that some day in the future, I'd be producing motorcycle parts for my favorite brand of motorcycle. Without all of you, my...
Here's a picture of an early R3 with a Vetter sidecar shot at a rally in Yakima, Washington last year by a member of our sidecar association. Nice, clean and simple rig.