
  1. sidecar owners - help

    Those of you who have installed a sidecar to your rocket, did you change the triple trees for less trail? I've mounted a Champion Escort to my Rocket and find the steering extremely stiff! I have located a set of 5 degree raked trees that will reduce the trail from the 5.8" of a stock bike to...
  2. sidecar on a rocket

    got a old sidecar and want to mount it to my 04 rocket. want to be able to change back and forth thru the year thru several set ups, touring , town chopper, and chair .need to hear if anyone else has done it please.
  3. Anyone do the full sidecar setup on a rocket 3

    Hello, Has anyone worked up a rocket three with a sidecar setup, and gone all the way with racked trees, and everything to make it correct? How does it ride?
  4. Russian Sidecar Motorcycle

    Should come with tracking devices. :eek: Black bread and 2 years of vodka. :rolleyes: Ural | Russian Sidecar Motorcycles Gear-Up 2WD MSRP $13,799.00*Patrol 2WD MSRP $13,199.00*Patrol T MSRP $12,599.00* Retro MSRP $13,999.00*Tourist MSRP $11,599.00*
  5. Sidecar Flip

    Flip, just wanted to let you know that I also now belong to the "dropped my Rocket" club. Just before my trip this weekend I was turning around "slowly" in my driveway, too slow and too much lean in my gravel driveway, and down she went. No damage, except my ego took a beating. By the time I...
  6. Sidecar

    Hi, just came back from Triumph's event in Austria ( and I saw there few Rocket III with sidecars - anyone have any idea where they got ones and the price for them? Mostly I saw ARMEC. Some pictures here...
  7. R3T and sidecar?

    Evening all, is there another R3T owner with a chair fitted that I could discuss experiences with oil steering dampners? I have attached a double chair a month or so ago and am puzzled with problems encountered with the dampner and leading link forks. Regards Carey
  8. Interesting R3 classic + sidecar rig

    Is currently for sale on ebay Whadya reckon Flip? Link Removed
  9. Rocket Touring and sidecar?

    Is anyone aware of a new Touring fitted with a sidecar? I know Watsonian Squires have a unit and fittings for a Rocket 3 but given the Touring has been touted as having a completely 'new' frame etc and shares the engine only in common with the 3 and Classic, I wonder if they have progressed to...
  10. Merry Christmas from SidecarFlip

    Merry Christmas and a happy prosperous New Year to all from SidecarFlip / Flipmeister Specialty Products. When I bought my Rocket, I never in my wildest dreams thought that some day in the future, I'd be producing motorcycle parts for my favorite brand of motorcycle. Without all of you, my...
  11. Now that's a sidecar!

    Ok Flip you finally convinced me, with this I can not only smoke Hardleys, I can blow them off the road!
  12. Custom R3 with sidecar

    Here's a picture of an early R3 with a Vetter sidecar shot at a rally in Yakima, Washington last year by a member of our sidecar association. Nice, clean and simple rig.
  13. Sidecar Anyone??

    Triumph Rocket III Sidecar Unit