1. Boog

    Meet "Tank", a 2007 Road Glide with Hannigan sidecar

    I found this sidecar rig through a buddy who knew I was looking for one. He had test rode the bike and decided it was too hard for him to ride. (He hasn't done a pushup in a few decades). Which is partly why Pretty Pillion wanted to name it "Tank". That and it takes up a lot of parking space...
  2. New Member

    Thanks for accepting my registration. I recently acquired a 2005 Rocket III with an attached DMC Kenna sidecar. I love it.
  3. Ishrub

    Project 1955 Tilbrook RHD sidecar

    I just bought my next sidecar project - a 1000km road trip to pick up this week end. Chairs are going for big prices in Oz now so I couldn't resist. It may end up being far too light a design for my Rocket but if so It will find a home. Australian made 1955 Tilbrook RHD Tilbrook was an Aussie...
  4. dog hauler

    Sidecar tug build

    Might as well post a thread to start sharing progress. The Ural tub is from the mid 60's and needs attention everywhere. Seat, wiring and suspension are trashed. Need to deal with rust and really old paint. So far I've ordered a DMC sidecar fitment kit to save some time on mounting. Also...
  5. dog hauler

    new to me '09 in TX, sidecar build

    I just picked up an '09 with only 6400 miles. Didn't have much history on it. Is it a classic? GT? Dunno. First up is handlebars then mods to put an old Ural tub on it for dog hauling.
  6. wjb

    Sidecar memories

    A new member introduced himself describing his sidecar rig and that made me think back to the sidecar my Dad had. I don't want to take away from @IRS4 tread so I'll start this one. Back in the late '70s / early '80s my Mom, for some reason became afraid of riding pillion with Dad. Not sure...
  7. dirtydr

    New R3 Sidecar Rig

    I finally got the call that the rig was done and ready to pick up. Flew down to Waco, TX and Kent from Texas Sidecars came and picked me up. A little road test, final payment on one my way back to Western Colorado.
  8. Wiseguy

    Rocket Three with Sidecar Needed

    I'll be wanting a Rocket Three with a sidecar in about a few weeks or so. Nothing fancy, just good working order. Bill
  9. toolittletime

    Rocket sidecar build

    Hi Guys For your amusement I am posting some pics of my Rocket sidecar build here. I started last week with building a sub frame that the car will mount to. The sidecar is one that I built 3 years ago, and is currently attached to my 2002 Moto Guzzi EV. First thing I had to do was make a new...
  10. CCjon

    Rocket sidecar duty

    Just picked up a 2011 R3 to be the replacement tug for a sidecar camper set up. Will be replacing a well traveled worn out vstrom1000. The objective is not speed but torque and reliability. Am pushing a lot of air with the broad flat front end. Any recommended sources for R3 aftermarket parts...
  11. Ishrub

    URAL develop an electric sidecar with Zero drive system

    Cool Electric TECH SPECS POWER TRAIN Motor: Z-Force® 75-7 passively air-cooled, high efficiency, radial flux, interior permanent magnet, brushless motor Max Output (hp): 60hp (45kW) @5,300rpm Max Torque (ft-lbs): 81 ft-lbs (110 Nm) Batteries as tested: ZF13.0 powerpack, ZF6.5...
  12. CCjon

    Sidecar Driver Question

    Hi, am a six year sidecar driver looking for a stronger bike to push my camper sidecar rig around. The current tug, a Vstrom1000 is geared down but is being pushed to its limit. Am seriously considering a Rocket 3 for this use. Any one have experience or comments on using an R3 as a sidecar...
  13. DJ

    motorcycle sidecar boat!!!

    Maybe a new sidecar for the R3??? motorcycle boat sidecar - Avast Yahoo Video Search Results
  14. Hawkeye

    Custom touring sidecar

    Morning all.. A quick question, does anyone know where in Australia I can get a sidecar, (may need custom made). The wife is in a wheelchair, so I need one she can transfer into, but can't source anyone that does them for a Touring.. I'm in Shepparton, Victoria. Thanks for the help guys..
  15. Seanii Plunkett

    Rocket sidecar cam

    Have been posting the odd video made from the sidecar on my 2010 Roadster. Nothing too exciting, just vids as I'm traveling. Not going hard, just doing what the Rocket does well....eating miles easily. Some from other places might like to see some Australian scenery and roads etc. There's a few...
  16. mouka

    2005 Rocket 3 with DMC SIdecar

    Howdy all? I have just bought a nice 2005 R3 with 9100 miles on the clock. It is in excellent condition. At least that's what I think. Aesthetically it is a 10 out of 10. Mechanically speaking, it should be fine except I have heard some weird noises when I first rode it home. The noises would...
  17. Pedro

    Sidecar Flip

    Anyone no if Daryl is still around and selling Rocket parts /stuff
  18. GRAMPY


    I've only seen a couple that have been 'Triked', and never a sidecar combination, any one here done either Any pictures ?..:cool:
  19. Seanii Plunkett

    Sidecars in Oz.

    G'day We recently bought a 2010 Roadster and want to have a sidecar fitted. Has anyone here in OZ done this to their Rocket? We have a home made job on my old BMW K100 but the Rocket is going to require a little more serious gear. Are there any members who have done this? Seems like there are...