1. Zanx

    Pre loved Dave Platt Slash Short bolts and stuff.

    Bought a very nice Dave Platt shorty slash (used) for my 04, lovely bit of kit I must say, however, it didn't come with the bolt, can I ask if there;s anything special about the right hand bolt (header side)? I only ask because it doesn't seem that stable with a regular replacement bolt and it...
  2. RockOn

    Fuse? Relay? Short? Loose Wire?

    Ignition switch on gets me headlights and tailight and inside gauge rim lights but no idiot lights and no needle sweeps until I start bike. Then needles sweep and idiots lights come on. Any ideas why the delay with the idiot lights and gauge sweeps until bike is running?
  3. Rocky Raccoon

    SHORT NOTICE - Season Closer - All Bikes Welcome. Sweetgrass, Montana USA / Coutts, Alberta CANADA

    Going to the last big run of the season in Sweetgrass Montana this weekend and would love to have a fellow Rocket owner also show up..... It will be dull with all the SLOW Harleys and Indians there and could use the extra muscle ..... August 25,26,27
  4. Whylee

    AVDB short levers installed

    Installed my shorty AVDB gold levers today. They fit perfect, I was expecting to fight and mod something to make them fit, but nope. Took all of 10 minutes to install both.
  5. baileegirl

    Hi... I am new here, although I do own a very new 2020 Rocket III GT.

    My Rockett III sets because it is too tall for me to ride. I bought it because I fell in love with the overall look of this rather large machine. I keep it in the garage , all covered up with sheets to keep it clean. So far I have about 100 miles on it and choose to ride my Softail because I...
  6. I did electronics measurement and battery drain calculation for rocket3R 2022 - Battery, Turn signals

    Hello All, Hope it helps someone - Stock blinkers are 2watts 12V LED Array in each blinker/turn signal so they are consuming 167Milliamps per blinker. - When bike is completely OFF and Key Fob is ON and in range then motorcycle drains battery at 80Milliamps. - When bike is completely OFF and...
  7. Russ Penner

    2012 RR3 Randomly blowing ignition fuse #2

    Sure could use some advice trouble shooting fuse #2. I have blown this 15 amp fuse on back-to-back rides last week; both times after about 20 minutes of mixed street/hwy riding and both times while waiting at a signal light. After replacing the fuse, I continued the ride home for another...