What is the correct way to install these shocks? PS instructions weren't very clear concerning the clearance of .020. All of the hardware they sent with the shocks wasn't needed? I wasn't able to get a real torque setting when tightening the bolts. Hope someone can help.
I just took my first ride after I installed the Progressive 440's. (Sixty degrees today and sunny.) What a world of difference. Tomo is right, well worth the price. Ride is great and handling actually feels better.
From what I am reading some do not like the rear suspension on the Stock Rocket. Being a beg guy I am wondering what others think? Are the stock rear shocks ok for large people ir do you suggest a different set up?
Also how about windshilds I am seeing some of the windshields in the links for...
Ive been looking around the forum and cant find anyone asking about air shocks. Im not a small guy by any means and neither is my passenger so air assist shocks are almost a must Im thinking......are there any out there to be had for this bike??
I have them on the Harley and really count on them...
I am thinking of putting the Triumph low rider seat and 1" shorter Ikon shocks on my 06RIII. Anybody have any experience with these, and how did it work out?
In for a penny in for a pound, here goes,
We all know the standard shocks leave a little to be desired, so my question to you all is ,
On a balance of quality/cost / availability ( I`m uk based ) which would you reccomend ?
Has anyone tried any Hagon units (look good in the brochure ) Are...