Has anyone installed an OBD shift light to their R3? The factory shift indicator is just not visible enough in a competition situation and I was hoping one of these such as the Holley Standalone CAN/OBD shift light would be a good option.
I decided to get the mid controls and was wanting to know about the mid controls up/down adjustment with Quick Shift I guess it would be the same as the R model with the shift assist. Anyway, does the sensor have to be reset in the ecu after moving the controls up or down for a better fit? I...
I'm looking at the Quick Shift and see it is model specific on one part of it. I'm guessing the length of the rod is different depending on forwards or mid controls. So if you have mids on a GT should order the R specific kit to work with them. Right?
Hi all. I’ve searched through the forums and found many of you do not like heel shifters on your Rockets. I’d love to get my hands on a kit to convert my shifter to heel-toe, but the Rivco is unavailable and I’m having no luck elsewhere. How different is the Cruiser’s vs. the Roadster‘s shift...
Hi all. I´m considering adding a shift assist on my rocket 3 R. I´ve been using shift assist on my Street Triple. On that bike it was only upshift and as far as I can remember it only works from 4000 RPM and higher. How does the Rocket 3 works regarding RPM´s ? Is there any particular diference...
Want to order an easy shift for the 2020 Rocket GT. Are these all the parts needed to install the assembly- A9778507 and A9770224? Also who is the best retailer to order parts from? Thanks.
I would like to adjust the shift pedale as it sits to low for my boots to fit in proparley ( its fitted with a quick shifter), can I adjust it myself or do I need to go to the dealership?
kevin S
Does anyone know how to adjust the TSA? its seems that the shifter is hard to engage and requires me to force it whether ****ing up or down. Also it does not shift all the time it requires me to use the clutch! the gear shifter is too tight even when I use the clutch.
Yes I can take it to the...
Does anyone have the triumph quick shifter installed??
My bikes getting it's first service next week and I'm wondering if it's worth the 500 price tag installing it while it's there.
Thanks for any feedback
Castrol Power 1 5w-40 Mobil 1 M1-110 oil filter. When I shift at 3000-4500 rpm it will stay dry but if I run the motor up to 6000-6500 rpm I get this, oil coming out of the shifter shaft. Bad seal? To much pressure building up? 4000 miles on the oil change and it didn't do this before.
Hi all, I'm excited to join this community. Unfortunately I ran into a a issue that has me stumped. I stated the bike after a period of storage and it was shifting fine, the once I shifted through the gears the transmission is stuck on the upper gears. It will shift from 3 to 5th but won't go...
This ugly thing has been bugging me since I got it.
Looks like it has been painted at one time.
While messing in my garage I got an idea..
1/4" Drip Tubing I use in my sprinkler system.
And Voila!!
A 3/8" piece would work better. Might keep an eye out for a bit of that in my Ace...
I have a 2006 Rocket Standard. When racing at the drag strip shifting is not good. I want to eliminate the Johnson Rod set-up and replace it with a direct to the shift shaft lever.
Have any of you guys done so ? What did you use ? Pictures ?
Hi all, well, I must be feeling better, as I went out today, and pulled the front cover off my 05 Rocket. Besides a juddering clutch, which I think is from me leaving out the judder spring on my Barnett install, I've had this weird shift thing going on, for quite a long while. Kinda hard to...
Looking for a shift light and came across the Speedhut's SST-MAX-OBDII. Says it plugs directly into the OBD connector so basically plug and play. E-mailed the folks at Speedhut to check capability with our Rocket and of course their reply was "?????, you'll need to find out if your vehicle uses...
As it's not possible ( saying Raptor) to connect its shiftlight leads to high performance coils ( I installed Whites) I have to connect 1 lead to the output speedsignal from the ECU and another one connecting to the tach output lead.
But here the issue comes in : which leads are the output ones...