Hoping to get a running thread here concerning mistakes and omissions in the service manual. I'll get the ball rolling, but hoping others will chime in with other instances...
Here we go, in no certain...
I just added a post to resources for the service manual - it's a downloadable link and I'll keep it up for as long as I can; I didn't see it anywhere so hope the effort isn't duplicated.
I am looking for a 2020 r3 service manual
I know about the owners' manual link and triumphinstructions.com...
I'm looking for the service manual if anyone has its part number or link to it
Just got my 2020 gt love it still I like my 07 as well but the handling of the GT is like no other what a change
my dealer sent me connectivity module and luggage brackets no direction ,did good on figuring out panniers there’s nothing out there On the internet on removing tank and clocks need...
Workshop manual covering -
Rocket III
Rocket III Classic
Rocket III Touring
Also workshop manual for the Thunderbird 1600.
Sold Rocket and Thunderbird so no longer required.
Both in very good condition.
Located in Oxford.
Just got hard copy of service manual from bike bandit. Wow sweet. Heavy grade paper, three ring binder and section tabs included. Very nice . Harley Davidson could take some lessons from Triumph on preparing and creating service manuals. The Harley Manual is a cheap book with no tabs for...
I sold my 2013 Rocket Roadster and have a hard copy service manual, new clutch cable and new Titanium Lean Angle Sensors for sale on eBay. The item number for the manual is 231700508246. You can search on that and look at other items in the store and see the cable. Also have a headlight bulb...
Got my first service coming up and was thinking of tackling it myself. Anyone got a digital service manual you could PM me? Or a hard copy I could buy off you for less than the MSRP?
If you've tackled this service yourself, does it fall more on the time consuming side or the PITA side?
How to find part numbers ? Is there an on-line parts fiche, with exploded diagrams ? Paper version ?
Once found, is there a reasonable alternative to the local dealer ?
Is there a link or site where a service manual can be downloaded? Sorry if this is one of those threads or topics again. The initial oil change is going to be coming up and I'd like to know which plugs to drain. The dealership never said I had to bring it to them for the first one. Thanks in...
So I've found and seen the Touring owners manual but I'm looking for a Shop or Service manual for my 08 R3T. I've searched ebay, google, and the forums and can't seem to even fine if a shop manual exists.
I'd love a link if anyone could help me out. Thanks in advance!
Someone mailed me a CD with the newer manual that includes the Touring. I don't know who it was, it just showed up in the mail, thank you.
I have combined all of the files into one and OCR'ed the whole thing so it's searchable and I have updated the link in my signature to point only to the...
Does anyone know if there is a link to an online R3T service manual anywhere?
Have found a few for the R3's but as almost everything is different on the Touring I'm assuming there's a separate manual for it? :confused: