seat cover

  1. Luimoto Seat Cover

    Just wondering if anyone has picked one of these up and if so how do you feel about them?
  2. youzguyz

    Air-Flow seat cover

    Air-Flow Seat Covers ( Motorcycle Seat Covers ) does not list the 2020+ Rocket 3 GT or R as an option. (They do show a 2020 Rocket III Roadster and Rocket III Touring.. which tells me they aren't really paying attention to what is out there). I sent them all the dimensions from my 2020 GT seat...
  3. Luimoto 2.jpg

    Luimoto 2.jpg

    Custom Stitching on Luimoto seat covers
  4. Luimoto 1.jpg

    Luimoto 1.jpg

    New seat covers with gel underneath. Took a few hours but so far so good!