
  1. For Sale Screens new and used Fly , Roadster, Classic - time to thin them out before our spring.

    Screens new and used Fly , Roadster, Classic - time to thin them out before our spring. New: Factory Flys in Claret -CT, Scorched Yellow -FG FLY SCREEN - COLOUR COORDINATED A9748045 - ## Requires Front End Fixing Kit A9738051 SPORTSCREEN A9748048 Requires Front End Fixing Kit A9738051...
  2. **SOLD** R3 Classic and Std / Roadster full screens not Fly

    Yeah I have 3-4 complete, + my own with extra blades. 1 brand new complete kit and one brand new screen no mounts. I also have brand new boxed fork fixing kits that fit these and Triumph Fly-screens. MORE PHOTOS ON REQUEST.
  3. MRA screen recommendation

    I am looking for a recommendation on a MRA shield for my R3 Roadster. I'm thinking the MRA V-Flow Z Screen MRA V-Flow Z Screen VFSZ Universal Motorcycle Windshield | Clear, Smoke or All Black - primarily because the "bottom profile is designed to work with and look better on...