
  1. Hi, Gordie from Inverness, Scotland

    Hi. I'm Gordie from Inverness in the Highlands of Scotland. I'm 64 years old and just purchased a 2012 Rocket3 Touring. Hope to have it in the next week or so. Currently ride a BMW R1200RT. I'm semi retired and also volunteer as a Blood Bike rider for Highland & Islands Blood Bikes.
  2. Newbie Here!!

    Hi Folks from "snowy" Scotland.
  3. Hi guys an gals, from a rare sunny Scotland

    Old retired man still riding bikes for pleasure, guess it is in the blood, preference is for the bigger bikes and I guess they don't come any bigger than the rocket Safe riding to you all
  4. Hi From Scotland

    Hi Just about to buy a 2004 Rocket 3 and am probably going to be doing a lot of reading!
  5. Hullo from Fife, Scotland

    Hullo everybody. Just bought a Rocket 3 R Black. Can’t believe it handles as well as it does!

    Hi all from Scotland
  7. Hi all from South West Scotland

    After 40 years I decided it was time to get back on 2 wheels, I decided on a 2014 TR3 Roadster and I have only had it for 4 weeks but it definitely makes me smile every time I ride it.:) Altough winter approaches this will give me time to customize and tweak the bike ready to enjoy my...
  8. Rocket 3 Classic NE Scotland.

    Hi, My name is Andy and I've had my 2004 R3 Classic for over 2 years. I've just fitted a set of Dave Platt exhausts and was wondering if i will need it mapping. (TuneECU). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Apprentice Rocketeer

    Hi all, So I stumbled upon Trooper, a 2006 Classic, in November 2018, my last bike having been a Sprint ST 955i 1999, and I just had to have it. So here I am with the biggest grin across my grid, as a colleague put it, like a dug wi' two tails! I hope to learn all there is to know about my new...