
  1. To ATGATT or not to ATGATT - and to what extent

    I have always been wearing a helmet since I have started riding scoots in 1972. Open-face initially and then full-face, once I realised how much better the visor was than goggles when going fast (most of the time back then). As well as a leather jacket, quality jeans (not always), leather...
  2. Road Safety Thread

    Because this forum has world wide reach, and some of us are riding everyday. I thought it would be good to start a thread on general safety. Here we go with a message from the West Bury Constable: Feel free to add any safety related message, video or poster.
  3. Motorcycle safety fact sheet - NHTSA Aug 2019 w/2017 data

    Bunch of data contained in ten pages: Overview In 2017: • There were 5,172 motorcyclists killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes – a decrease of 3 percent from the 5,337 motorcyclists killed in 2016. • Two-wheeled motorcycles accounted for 91 percent of all motorcycles in fatal crashes. •...
  4. Blinker Cancel / Running Lights / Flashing Brake

    I had a Kisan SignalMinder on another bike and finally added one to the Roadster. Unless you never forget your indicator after making a turn and getting distracted by x,y,z, I highly recommend this $110 contraption. One time is all it takes for a cager to think you are turning and plow right...
  5. Loose Tube?

    Hey, So Spring is finally coming to a start, and I rode all weekend. By accident I dropped my screw driver and it rolled underneath the bike. When it did, I saw this loose tube, can't seem to figure out the purpose of it. I must have rode with it like that, everything was fine. Any idea what...
  6. University research into increasing motorcycle safety

    Tech solutions wants to help keep motorcyclists safe on roads | WTOP

    This article impressed me enough that I felt obliged to share it with my motor brothers. I reckon this information worthy of pondering and thoughtful consideration. :D :inlove :thumbsup: The IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) has come out with some fresh data in a story...
  8. Amazing safety accesories

    Kisan Electronics Home Page Just found this site Ride safe !
  9. Motorcycle Safety Videos

    There are several of these. MC rider talks in my second grade English and novice riding skill levels. Would like to visit with him a take a multi-day class.
  10. Clutch safety switch

    Is it ok to wire the clutch switch open? It would make my wire routing easier if I eliminated it plus it would be one less thing that could go wrong.
  11. OEM Alarm Safety Recall

    just picked up on a Recall Notice for the OEM Triumph/Datatool Accessory alarm Important Safety Recall - S4 Red & Triumph Alarm - Datatool This is a more popular option with the UK guys, but there are probably some of the US and ROW countries that may also have one of these. See the recall...
  12. Important Safety Recall – S4 Red & Triumph Alarm

    Don't know how many members this may affect if any .Relates to 2013 -16 alarm systems fitted by Triumph.
  13. Sport Bike Rider Clips