I have always been wearing a helmet since I have started riding scoots in 1972. Open-face initially and then full-face, once I realised how much better the visor was than goggles when going fast (most of the time back then). As well as a leather jacket, quality jeans (not always), leather...
Because this forum has world wide reach, and some of us are riding everyday. I thought it would be good to start a thread on general safety. Here we go with a message from the West Bury Constable:
Feel free to add any safety related message, video or poster.
Bunch of data contained in ten pages:
Overview In 2017:
• There were 5,172 motorcyclists killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes – a decrease of 3 percent from the 5,337 motorcyclists killed in 2016.
• Two-wheeled motorcycles accounted for 91 percent of all motorcycles in fatal crashes.
I had a Kisan SignalMinder on another bike and finally added one to the Roadster. Unless you never forget your indicator after making a turn and getting distracted by x,y,z, I highly recommend this $110 contraption. One time is all it takes for a cager to think you are turning and plow right...
So Spring is finally coming to a start, and I rode all weekend. By accident I dropped my screw driver and it rolled underneath the bike. When it did, I saw this loose tube, can't seem to figure out the purpose of it. I must have rode with it like that, everything was fine. Any idea what...
This article impressed me enough that I felt obliged to share it with my R3Owners.net motor brothers. I reckon this information worthy of pondering and thoughtful consideration. :D :inlove :thumbsup:
The IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) has come out with some fresh data in a story...
There are several of these. MC rider talks in my second grade English and novice riding skill levels.
Would like to visit with him a take a multi-day class.
just picked up on a Recall Notice for the OEM Triumph/Datatool Accessory alarm
Important Safety Recall - S4 Red & Triumph Alarm - Datatool
This is a more popular option with the UK guys, but there are probably some of the US and ROW countries that may also have one of these.
See the recall...