
  1. Anyone had any rakaposhi-saddle bags

    I purchased a set of saddle bags from a local store. They are PVC. Looked great until the hot summer sun deformed the top lids. looking to replace them >>> Has anyone had any dealings with rakaposhi-saddlebags Thanks in advance
  2. Saddlebag guard rails part A9758115

    Looking to add these to my 2009 R3T...they are $189.99 evrywhere I look. Not sure I want them that badly. Seen any better prices anywhere? Anybody have strong like or dislike of this part? Any rattles? Can you still remove your bags with these rails in place? Thanks, CW
  3. Airhawk seat cushion vs Day-Long saddle

    After completing a recent 800 mile jaunt on my Rocket III Classic with dual Gel seat, I made a determination that the Triumph seat would not be sufficient for any ride longer than cruising around town. I was going to order a Russell Day-Long saddle soon, but then a friend reminded me about the...
  4. Show me some saddle bag photos

    I wanted to buy the K-Drive saddle bags for my Roadster, the only ones in stock are the type with the chrome studs which I did not want they are being offered to me at a real good price, what are some other good choices?
  5. saddlebag replacement keys?

    I have a set of K-Drive saddlebags on my bike, and I lost the keys. Does anyone know where to buy a new set of keys only?
  6. Saddlebags for Sale...

    If anyone is interested, I just posted a very nice set of leather saddlebags for Sale over on the "Classifieds" forum...PM me if interested. Thanks!:D
  7. R3T saddlebad liners from TLC Products

    A few of us may recall that Brent from TLC Products was putting together some saddlebag liners for our bikes last year. I received a message from him recently (like some of you probably have) and ordered the pair. About $50 a set delivered. They look good on the website so I'll let you...
  8. Removing Triumph Saddle Bags

    Alright, I'm sure this is a stupid question but I've been reefing at a nut inside the rear wheel well and don't want to strip it. I bought a standard Rocket III with OEM Triumph saddlebags attached. How does one remove these? Is it simply the 2 nuts inside the rear wheel well that have to be...
  9. saddle bags

    Here are the saddle bags for sale.
  10. saddle bags

    Here are the saddle bags for sale.
  11. Rails for the saddlebags

    Does anyone know if there is some toprails for the original hardbags to the touring? bolle
  12. K-Drive Saddlebags

    Does anyone have any experience with the K-Drive saddlebags sold on They look really nice and the price is right. Just wondering about how it affects passenger comfort though. The picture looks like it might interfere with a passenger getting their feet on the pegs.
  13. Question for R3 owners: How big are the R3 Touring saddlebags?

    Hi, new guy here! I was looking at a Rocket III Touring bike at our local Triumph dealer today and was looking at the hard saddlebags, they seem quite roomy, almost look identical to the ones on the Yamaha Royal Star Venture. But I happened to stumble onto this here web page: Saddle Bag...
  14. Long Haul Saddle/Backrest Question

    I've just installed my Long Haul Saddle and backrest combination. comfort seems first rate. However, my bike is occasionally ridden in the rain down here in South Florida and is occasionally parked out in the rain. There is an open space around the backrest entry point and mechanism. Is...
  15. Rakaposhi Saddlebags for R3

    Just saw these on Ebay...checked on the web and found some posts on other bike forums that are mostly positive...anyone seen or bought any of these? RAKAPOSHI LEATHER SADDLEBAGS FOR TRIUMPH ROCKET 111: eBay Motors (item 220633042436 end time Jul-12-10 18:51:41 PDT)
  16. saddle bag /cases options?

    Roadster accessories market seems to be pretty thin right now. What are some of options for saddlebags besides dealer's $800 leather bags? Thanks, Dennis
  17. Saddlebag Supports/Brace

    What available Saddlebag support/brace can I use with throwover bags. Mine are slanted River Roads.:confused: RIDE SAFE
  18. IBA Saddle Sore 1000 to Hill Country Salvo

    The Hill Country Salvo provided me with the opportunity to realize a 25 year goal to complete an SS1000 for the Iron Butt Association. The reservations were made and the plans put into place. After researching routes and tips from various sites, I settled on a route that would have me start in...
  19. Leather Saddlebags...

    Hi!! I just brought my '05 R3 Standard home, and there's a problem with her that I need to address right away. I prefer long distance touring, and I need a good pair of waterproof (underlined and with exclamation pointe!!) saddlebags. The leather ones that are on it are so shriveled up they...
  20. Custom Saddle

    Hi Everybody, I am looking to have a custom saddle made. The problem is that both the Triumph standard and touring saddles push me forward (maybe because of my big butt?!). Aside from the developing pressure points on that butt... my "boys" get pressed up against the tank! LOL During a...