
  1. Running rough

    2015 roadster. Just added ramair to viking headers and outlaw pipes. The new maps I've tyred all seam to be running tge same very lumpy and eratic below 2000 rpm big popping and backfiring changing gear and decel. Any ideas and possible better maps cheers
  2. New Running Lights

    Well guys, I received my 25 Watt Stedi Running lights. These are the spot application type and I have to say, they are quality units. These are not Chinese knockoffs. Our Australian brothers make a quality product. Take a look.....MCX25 LED MOTORCYCLE DRIVING SPOT LIGHT Wired them into the...
  3. Rocket 3 running lean ?

    Believe it or not I have a rocket classic running great when purchased it. me being a hot rodder guy wanted more so here it goes I’ve leaned a great deal about the rocket and love it but had no understanding of EFI and programming TUNECU , my experience is not good with matters of sort but ,I’ve...
  4. New DP Exhaust / Ram Air... Running Extremely Rich

    Hey Guys, The weather is getting warmer and I need a little hint before riding season. Some of you guys know that I put on the DP exhaust with Cat Delete crossover. Also I have installed the RamAir kit and a Hanso tune. The bike runs some stronger but the A/F is way off and running rich. Didn't...
  5. Running rich on No. 1

    Got a bit carried away with a end of year / autumn / pre winter service clean up and ended up taking my headers off and noticed its clearly running rich on number 1 cylinder ( nearest cam chain ) any idea's ... I assume this is not normal ...can I investigate this further with the help of...
  6. Old codger from New Zealand wanting advice on running gear

    Lucky enough to have purchased from new a 2015 Triumph Rocket X after having owned bikes all my adult life. Sold my Harley Trike to get it. Love the machine, hate the headlights. They're by far the worst on any bike I've ridden. I'm currently in the USA for 3 months riding around the country on...
  7. Switched running power

    I was thinking last night, is there a switched power source that is only on once the bike is running? For instance, the tail light comes on with the bike in the ON position, but the radiator fan only comes on once the bike is running. I could tap the fan and use it to trigger a relay, but was...