1. BigNorm

    How much stress can the stock crank/ conn rods take?

    I am very new to the R3 and am amazed at how surprisingly easy it is to make power with. Just by reading I've learned that you can get up to 300hp with these things N/A. Is this all with the stock crank and rods? From looking at Carpenters site it looks like most of the work done is in the...
  2. bruce aussie

    Millmerin HotRods

    Just like Brunswick Heads Julie and I were stumbling around Queenslands back roads doing the grey nomad thing with no plan or direction. Spent last night in Texas then headed north this morning and blundered onto a big HotRod weekend at Millmerin. We are at Dalby tonight. My pick of the day...
  3. Rods & Rockets

    Rods & Rockets

    2011 Triumph Rocket III Touring & 1926 Ford Model-T Roadster
  4. warp9.9

    Hot Rods

    Ok Guys I just got my first peek at the Carrillo bullet proof rods for the R3. These are from Walt as he lives close to Cycle Solutions mine are there and soon the J&E blower pistons should arrive. anyway have a look at these jems. Weights: Rotating 368 Reciprocating 164 Total 532...
  5. Neville Lush


    Something you guys might be interested in. I sent off some R3 rods to get shot peened for a hotrod one I am doing for a customer.The guys who do it for me were very impressed with the quality of the rods and were pretty much of the opinion that they are made of very good stuff,due to the way the...