Alright I'm too lazy to click through the photo albums so here is a thread to post'em up...
New Rocket Captain
Flip and Britman
Rockets in Huntsville I assume
We did it! There are things we learned that we can improve on next year, but all in all it was a great trip from my perspective. I very much enjoy our close knit r3 owners site, but to meet some of the guys makes it even more real. I left Kansas City on Thursday with Rusty and Pianoman. We...
Any of you who have read the thread I posted called Sequel, it was an attempt to rally some Rocketeers to ride to some location this summer for a Rockets Across America II reunion, as we did last fall. That effort was like herding cats. So I did a little research and here is what I determined...
Major tom to ground control :eek:
:D She Finaly arrived this afternoon, ROCKET 2005 jet black,
**** what can i say,
I havant been able to remove this F*#ckin great grin off my face yet,( is there no cure ) **** i hope not :roll: LOL :roll:
Need to find a good physio to put my arms back in my...
Life Cyc;le in Kalamazoo has just got in 3 new Rockets for sale, Black, white two tone and another color I dont remember. They also look like they might have a one of color combo of white and blue, it was a Reps bike, somebody said they wanted it and then it looks like they are going to back out...
In our MSF classes last year about half of the students were women, is there any women who ride a Rocket on the Forum? Or does anyone know of a woman who rides one? Just wondering.
Here is the idea....
We have two Brave Rocket Captains, Ugarte and Vonbonds, who have decided to meet somewhere in the middle of the USA for an adult beverage. This "middle ground" was close enough to Kansas City that it was decided that we should have one of our famous "Board Meetings" with...
There have been a few reports of Rockets stalling or just dying in traffic. This may not have anything to do with those reports but mine stalled Saturday and I have a pretty good idea why. My low fuel light was on, and I was sitting on about 175 miles on the tripmeter. I came into a parking lot...
Not "Gone With The Wind"... but pretty good for the budget we had :D
Link Removed
Two sets of Mad Dogs...
For some reason I had to let the entire movie load... close the window, and then re open it before the video and audio would work correctly... It must be a Putfile thang...