
  1. Rockets over North Geogia

    Had a great ride on Sunday. I got to meet Doglanta from this forum and make a new friend. I had my friend Warren who also is a Rocketeer ride with us. Warren is to blame for me getting a Rocket.:D I was totally satisfied with my bike until I saw his bike and rode with him on a long trip.:eek: I...
  2. Calling all Aussies - Rockets Downunder???

    With all the hype and excitement about Rockets Across America and the growing number of us from Downunder, I wanted to start a thread to test the water for a similar event here. I know there is interest but can we make it happen?? I've been making some preliminary enquiries but before getting...
  3. APE Cam Sprockets

    APE will be releasing adjustable cam sprockets for the R3 shortly (end of February). These will enable those setting their own cam timing to simply buy good adjustable sprockets rather than machining slots in the stock gears... less expensive too. :cool: APE - World's Fastest Motorcycle Racing...
  4. My Rocket 3 racing some ****** rockets

    Here is me riding with some young kids on ****** rockets this past summer !!!I held my own my bike was all stock at the time !!!the gsxr 750 past me at 160 mph lol I was running about 130 or so !!! YouTube - Kawasaki ZX6R vs Yamaha R6 vs R6 vs Suzuki GSXR 750 vs Triumph HD
  5. Rockets Across America VI
  6. Rockets in South Lake Tahoe today....

    Rode Sonora pass today, always a spectacular ride and today was no exception, stopped for gas in South Lake Tahoe at a Chevron at about 3:30 pm and saw a couple of Rockets there along with a v-rod. Was going to go over shoot the bull but they left before I could get over there. So if you...
  7. Going price used 2005 rockets?

    Anyone know going price on 2005 rockets? My bearman is looking to sell his. I think has 41000 miles on it. Has the Corbin bags and fairing and jardine pipes. He is worried about back problems and such and has talked himself into a trike. But only way he can afford it is to sell the rocket. I...
  8. Rockets Across America V – Fall Launch

    Rockets Across America V – Fall Launch – Sept 24th – 27th – Midwest Region I would like to nail down the location for the fall gathering by first week of March so I have plenty of time to visit the area and coordinate Food lodging and scope out the riding routes. The 2 locations I have com...
  9. Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch

    Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch – May 14th – 17h - East Region I would like to nail down the location for the spring gathering by the 2nd week of January. I know this is short notice but in order to make this a great event for the membership time is needed to plan. The 2 locations I...
  10. Rockets Across America (RAA) Announcement

    Due to the demands of coordination and planning, the R3Owners.Net Administrative and Moderator Team will not be actively planning or supporting the Rockets Across America Event; also known as RAA. For 2010, we have decided to abide by the requests of the community and give planning and...
  11. Hi Mileage Rockets

    Howdy all. Has been a long time between posts. Recently read an article in the local paper in Australia about an old boy getting around on his Triumph Rocket 3 with 275,000km which is 170,000miles on the clock. It did not mention any problems along the way The rider stated it was the best bike...
  12. Rockets Across America IV

    For the final agenda and further info:
  13. Tripping to RocketsAcrossAmericaIV

    Greetings to fellow Rocket Captains.I am planning my trip to RocketsAcrossAmerica and will travel south on I-5 and connect at I-40 and go east to Maggie Valley..looking to say hello and grab a cup of coffee/visit on trip.Expect to hotel/motel and will plan more of journey later this week.If you...
  14. Bike week - 5 rockets

    Well a busy and very good weather ride to many of the locations for bike week!!!! and the new bonniville at Rossmeyers complex! looks like their inventory was reduced during bike week. Many bikes coming up and asking questions of the Rocket Most all were Harley riders.....and all very...
  15. Rockets Across America IV Agenda May 8th - 11th, 2009

    Attached is the RAA IV Agenda and long route info. In addition some other great info has been included, all of which was put together by Scowherd. Thanks for doing such a great job!
  16. Florida Panhandle Rockets

    Anyone interested in meeting at the Crestview Hooters tonight for "Bike Night". They don't do squat for the bikers and there's no contest, etc... There's no beer specials, etc... You will, however, be able to gaze upon my handsome face, chizled body and marvelous looking bike. ;)
  17. Pasta Rockets by Harley?

    It seems that HD may be looking into buying MV Agusta - including Caviga. Harley-Davidson to buy MV Agusta? - Motorcycle News
  18. Rockets letting me down.

    I just came in from a ride about 150 miles 70 degrees outside, was real nice. When I got back to town, the bike died at the stoplight. Caught me off guard, it was the first time it ever did that. Started right back up, but would not idle. When I let go of the throttle the rpm's would go down...
  19. Rockets Across America III

    Since Ray Ray is MIA, it's time someone got the ball rolling and Flip has been busting my chops what kind of ideas do we have and what dates do we have in mind. Past locations have been KC and Nashville. I have missed the last two because of work and family commitments, so no more...
  20. my rockets life

    to start to this day 18 photos, and more after paint and power installation