rocket iii

  1. JeremyMcG1

    Ultimate lean angle on a Rocket III Roadster without falling over?

    Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't understand this. 2016 Rocket III. Front pegs. Stock setup. Running Metzler ME888s. (about time for a new rear, but that's not the point here) I rode hard the other day, hitting "The Sidewinder" on Rt. 66 (191 turns in 11 miles). I was leaning...
  2. Possibly picking up a Rocket III next week and have some questions.

    I am possibly picking up a 2007 Rocket III Classic next week. Never owned a Triumph before. I know to check the normal things that you need to check when buying a used motorcycle: fork seals, leaks, brake pads, tires etc etc.. Wondering if there is anything special I should check with this...
  3. Crash bar

    Crash bar for my 2016 Rocket 3 to mount footrests
  4. rumpletom

    Rocket III touring emblem

    Cleaning up bike on a rainy Saturday, was wondering if anyone knows where I can get a replacement, thanks again to Starmanut for the fender rails!
  5. KmanRIII

    Another newbie

    Hello all, I just purchased a 2nd hand 2018 Rocket III Roadster with 6k miles. It needs a good cleaning and polishing as it has sat outside for the last 6 months. I bought a lithium battery and put in it and it started right up and I rode it home and put it in my garage. This is a very rainy...
  6. trashrios

    Speedometer problems...

    I have a 2006 triump rocket 3 and the speedometer tends to not work most of the time. It sometimes shows speed when it feels lime it and never shows the miles which sucks. I was wonder if anyone has a solution to fixing it
  7. Northern Ontario,

    Northern Ontario,

    My Rocket will be 20years old in July. Still runs as strong as ever!
  8. New Member

    Thanks for accepting my registration. I recently acquired a 2005 Rocket III with an attached DMC Kenna sidecar. I love it.
  9. Cunningham

    New guy on a Rocket III

    Just picked up an '06 Rocket III down here in the Heart of Dixie, Montgomery, Alabama. Unfortunately, the previous joker put a car tire on the back, as well as straight pipes (not really a fan of the loudness). New tires will be in tomorrow, and I'll be replacing those pipes soon enough. Oh...
  10. Nifty

    Rocket III Odometer Fail

    Good afternoon all, I have a 2005 Rocket III and had it in at the mechanics, when I picked it up the odometer was blank. Everything else works, the taco needle and speed needle, all the engine lights. Just no odometer. Do you know of anyone that can either fix it or do I need to replace it. If...
  11. Rocky Raccoon

    Convert HD aftermarket Fairing to Rocket III T...?

    I have a really nice batwing fairing I picked up and need to know if there are resources for the quick release brackets used on the removable windscreen that came with my bike. Also could use some sort of a template to figure out where the bracket should mount as the HD bracket width is 14"...
  12. The Gucc

    Jarhead new to the Dark Side

    Former USMC Recon and Raider, just picked up a stock 2012 Rocket III R. Got hospitalized on my last two Harleys thanks to no citizenship, no license, no insurance, drunk and high cagers. Looking for any and all advice to derestrict, beef up, and enjoy this new British Beast I now find myself...
  13. abro964

    New Rocket III Touring Owner

    Bought a beautiful 2008 RIIIT last year, completely stock and almost showroom condition. Absolutely in love with it and working on re-mapping the ECU. I'd love to get a good aftermarket exhaust but having a hard time finding one. Located in Fort Wayne, IN!
  14. 301738543_2000240780163332_7780715477654714922_n.jpg


    My 2010 rocket 3 hybrid as in its got 2009 and 2010 parts must have been a cross over. Its got 2009 clocks and exhausts (3 of em) but is first registered in 2010. Bloody confusing when trying to get bits for it lol
  15. Ishrub

    Rocket III BIG Blue bike lift for sale in Midland, Perth, Western Australia.

    I think these have ceased production and this is a bargain at Au$800 (US$550) as they were much more than this landed in OZ. Midland, Perth, Western Australia.
  16. loralex

    Lowering Rocket III Touring

    Ok so I'll keep it short (sorta) I have no idea for how many years I wanted this bike. I like the old look so a new one was out of the question (I'm sorry but it does look like a ducati) Anyway I'm not here to discuss this. I found one (used) at a dealer not too far from my place and I went to...
  17. Rockett.jpg


    Rikki Rockett the drummer for the band Poison and Triumph rider, at the Cleveland Triumph Dealer who arranged a great morning ride through our Metro Park system before he played a concert that night. Rikki is cancer survivor and participated in the 2022 Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride.
  18. Oz Knight

    Anyone have this part to sell - ROCKET III - Backrest, Adjustable Rider Kit?

    Hi Looking for this part ROCKET III - Backrest, Adjustable Rider Kit (Triumph part number A9708158) Anyone have one or know where i can get one? Cheers.

    Lockable fuel cap for The 2013 Rocket III Touring

    Hi fellow riders Can anyone please help me to provide details where I can buy a lockable fuel cap for The 2013 Rocket III Touring please? The internet has got this cap for a 2010 model but not for 2013.