My wife (Indian Scout), son (Harley FLSTN) and I (R3 GT) road from Las Vegas, NV to Zion National Park i n Utah for a quick day road trip this past weekend.
The pannier racks are back-ordered so I had to make do with an aftermarket tail bag and the triumph tank bag for storage - which really...
Right in the middle of my first road trip on the Rocket. 300+ miles and zero discomfort. The bike rides and handles so good for a big fat tire bike. 40mpg is amazing having a 2.3L engine. My wife is with me on her 2012 Spyder RT. My tune I loaded is working very good and as the miles go by it's...
Finally, work has slacked off and I'm getting a much needed but short road trip in. Staying in a favorite campsite on the New River near Galax, VA. Traveling solo- s'ok! Test ride- Changed the valve cover gasket (what a fiddley s$!t that thing is!) and put on my new @Paul Bryant crossover pipe-...
Hey, fellas! My father-in-law and I will be taking a short road trip to the Niagara Falls area in late September/early October. We'll be camping near the falls. Any suggestions on some short scenic jaunts from that area? Anything interesting to see? Fall colors in swing by then?