
  1. Reaction to first time ride on Rocket iii

    My mates reaction to riding the beast. 45+ years of riding behind him.
  2. First Ride with new set up

    Got my intake exhaust and tune on point. Took it out for a burn yesterday and wow what a gain in power! The bike will now spin a dark side tire at 55 mph in 4th gear. Very happy with her.
  3. Saddle Sore Ride

    I am going to head to NY this summer for a vacation. I will be heading into the Hudson Valley up by West Point and will be staying clear of the city. I will be doing this on my own so I will be throwing a leg over the Rocket and heading to the empire state from Kansas City, Missouri. I am...
  4. Went for a ride

    t the top of the hill .... about to go down the 99 bends into Queenstown Western Tasmania - on the Darkside .... I honestly think that this is the best riding country in the world.
  5. R3T Ride Height

    ok, i'm looking to change out the suspension on the R3T with progression front springs and 444 rears 13-inch Standard springs, (front and rear), I did this to my Harley last weekend since it was at the point where if I came to a speed bump, it was pretty much a given that it was going to bottom...
  6. A mountiain bike ride for Nat67

    Since Natty has got a mountain bike now, and has lost so much weight, I thought I'd record my ride the other day to give him some inspiration. I'm new to the GoPro camera scene, so i don't know why it recorded in 4 parts? About an hours worth @Nat67 - get you one of those indoor resistance...
  7. Cold new year ride levers,pipes,lights & mirrors test

    Hi first ride of 2018 and first time the Rockets been out of the Garage for about a month roads were almost dry but filthy dirty on a cold 5 degree (centigrade that is) but sunny winter afternoon here in the Uk . Was wanting a ride as I have fitted a couple of bit and pieces 1, Gone from a...
  8. I'm craving a ride.

    I'm gonna be in New Mexico at the end of January. Anyone know if there is a triumph dealer with a rocket I can test drive? Or a particularly generous owner I borrow from for a bit?
  9. ride magazine

    they have an artical on all the rocket 3s the used buying guide, january 2018.
  10. Ride Suggestions Starting in the Midwest?

    What's up, fellas?! Now that I have a bike again, my father-in-law and I would like to go on a few longer distance rides this coming summer/fall. I'm in Michigan and he's in central Illinois. He's mentioned always wanting to do a little Route 66 trip or a Mississippi River cruise, but I...
  11. It's it too cold to ride in Texas?

    I rode home today and saw icy road warnings on the news. I just passed through two of the areas they were talking about. I didn't see any ice or sleet. Maybe I outran it. One was Clear Lake. 1K9, are you snowed in? Ice or three feet of snow, it's all same if I cant ride. Looks like I'll have to...
  12. Planned ride coming up...

    Friday the 15th Dec cant come quick enuff !!.. My buddy who has a 2014 Triumph Storm and myself are going from our homes here in Christchurch NZ and travelling up thru the middle of the South Island to Nelson. My cousin who actually ordered the first R3 to arrive in NZ (Got the second one due...
  13. Anyone is South Fl up for a ride today? 12/2/17

    I am going out riding somewhere in the next hour or so, thinking of heading to the Keys for lunch but wouldn't be against meeting up and riding somewhere else
  14. Queen Wilhelmina AK Saturday Ride

    Anyone interested in a nice ride this Saturday 12/2? Maybe meetup in Paris or wherever. Lots of options. I'll be heading out from Richardson, TX. Really enjoyed meeting some of you in Leakey. Sorry I could only make it the last night.
  15. Lets take a ride to the Keys

    As a "Walking Dead " fan on the 8th season i couldn't help but watch Norman Reedus's new show. Now I'm hooked on that. Enjoy the ride...:ninja::cool::thumbsup:
  16. R3T 4 ur Final Ride?

    Hey fellow Aussie R3 captains... RIDE OUT IN STYLE! AUS only R3 hearse is now available for services. Based in SA but happy to travel anywhere to give your loved one a Rocketing send off! Check it out at www.facebook.com/finalridefunerals
  17. Yup... another great day for a ride

    love it when my Daughter asks to go for a coffee on the Rocket. Beautiful day at Harrison Hot Springs BC Canada. I actually ran into another Rocket owner, 2012 R3T. Nice guy, nice bike..:)
  18. No such thing as a free ride.

    Have purchased a lot of aftermarket parts for various motorcycles throughout the years. Some parts have worked out very well. Fit and finish exactly as described by the company. Performance parts the same Function was exactly how the company explained it would be. These company's I go back to...
  19. Anyone need a FINAL RIDE?

    Ok shameless plug - sorry. Hi - ALL. I'm in Adelaide South Australia and have bought and am finally fitting a coffin deck sidecar to my R3T15. Yup - AUSTRALIA'S ONLY ROCKET III HEARSE!!! (Not sure if it's the only one globally - maybe you all can tell me that). It debuts at a the Rotary...