
  1. is it safe to ride back home?

    Got to work this morning and noticed a oil leak. Already emailed my triumph dealer since I purchased this bike in march with 6 months warranty. But I just wanted to know if it is safe to ride back home- approx 10 miles. Thanks
  2. Looking for owners near Hampton NH to ride with

    Owning a Rocket is both a blessing and a curse in terms of it's uniqueness. Harleys are so common they are boring. Rockets however are so unique I can't talk with folks face to face who have any idea what it's like or what good solutions are.... Folks I ride with have no idea other than the...
  3. Aces & Eights Ride (Eastern TN) July 20-21st

    Edit: The Aces & Eights Ride is the new plan for Sunday. Weather and work dependent, I'm looking at a one or two day ride in eastern TN/western NC doing the Cherohala Skyway, The Dragon, and other related routes. I'll probably camp at Hunts Lodge Motorcycle Campground. This forum doesn't seem...
  4. Went for short ride

    We went for a short ride this morning to the skyway Stb took her Yamaha 650 for it's first ride after getting it running again
  5. Had a nice ride today

    I met Fingers for the first time and had a nice, 236 mile ride. In trying to keep up with him on some nice sweepers, hard bits were touching down. Need to find out what they were. He thinks the difference is his Progressive 444 shocks. In any event had a nice ride with a nice guy. Even had me...
  6. Long ride: Tall Touring or Regular Wimdscreen?

    Yeah, I know....first world problem. I’m leaving on Tuesday for a 2-week, 5,500-mile ride from FL to CA and back—with stops in AL, MO, NM and AZ along the way. I haven’t used my tall touring windscreen for quite a while and was just gonna sell it. But the weather forecast calls for...
  7. Ride northern Washington St.

    Ok, hopefully will have ramair installed by tomorrow night and looking to head out this weekend travelling to northern Washington state. Apparently going to be pissing rain this weekend in my area but hoping less in the Omak Washington area. Anyone suggest a campsite around Omak? A bike friendly...
  8. Fork Dust seal, ride without?

    After a nice ride yesterday I spent some time today doing other things and then turned my attention to the bike (2013 R3T). I found a broken plastic ring hanging out on my right fork tube. From looking at the manual I figured out it is the dust seal. What is the consensus on riding for a bit...
  9. Ultimate ride home this morning

    Worked a 12 hour shift the last couple of days and this morning coming home dog tired and worn out at three A.M. Guess what we found on one of the bridges between Okmuggle and Henryetta? Not one ,not two but three full sized very frighten DEER. I just about $raped my pants. One ran in front of...
  10. The Coronado Trail, a two hour (more or less) roller coaster ride!

    Or as most visitors call it the Devils Highway. A few of us are doing it this weekend and I am just trying to endure work so I can get to the twisties. For those unfamiliar with this road it is oficially route 191. This particular part in eastern Arizona specifically the stretch between...
  11. Hardest weather to ride . . .

    I received a freeze warning alert from the weather service this evening, with temperatures in the AM expected to be in the high 20s (F). The trick is by the afternoon the temperature is expected to be 35 degrees warmer -- and I can't practically carry two sets of gear -- well I could, but only...
  12. First decent ride

    So, I took her out tonight for around 20 miles tonight. First ride over "around the block" since I got her. Again as I've said in previous posts, I'm used to my 1500cc VTwin. I notice riding that there is like a ticking noise under throttle which appears to be at the front of the bike. Is this...
  13. R3 First Ride Devils Triangle

    My wife on her Chirftain Elite and me on the Rocket went for our first ride of the year over to Sr116 in Anderson county TN, named the Devils Triangle. It was a nice ride but as I was riding I realized a heavily modified Rocket would be useless on this road. Riders coming to the RAA east beware...
  14. first ride of 2018

    nice blue sky .. and 15 degres centigrade at noon pulled the bike outside and went on a 110 kms ride actually went to oroville ( washington state) from Kaleden to pick up some small parts , first ride its about time last year snow melted 3 weeks earlier maybe a new ice age is upon...
  15. Sold their house to ride South America

    Two Wheeled Nomad: Homeless On a Bike | RideApart
  16. Dynamometer - planning a trip to Victor Harbour, South Australia

    I have been in discussions with Neville, who runs a Dyno service. He uses TuneECU and comes in quite reasonable to do a dyno tune. He was recommended by one of Mr Viking's mates from across the ditch in the land of the long white cloud. Not sure if I can post the cost here without breaking...
  17. New Zealand 6 Feb Video Milford Sound to Te Anua most scenic Road in the World.

    This is 1 of 4 uploads of raw footage. As going through the tunnel I noticed front end was diving down alot buggered oil seal. Other 3 to follow but slow internet in NZ so will post in the coming weeks.
  18. Spring has Sprung and I went riding (Video)

    So today was the first time I've gone out with only one thing in mind, fun on the bike, instead of commuting on it. Also the first time I've had it out with the new found power on a longer ride playing in the twisties. Also, I don't know these roads for **** so am riding at about 6 or 7/10...
  19. Support Ride

    Calling all riders in the South Sound/Seattle area, I would like to to put together a ride in support of the victim of this thread: More to the Story, and someone died They're sportbikers, and they ride pretty fast, so this'll be a "sporty" ride. I would love to see if we can get a handful of...