new owner here. Can someone help with how I can remove the seat? I’ve looked through YouTube and the forum but can’t seem to get it to work on my bike. Pics of the situation are attached. Thanks
Ok guys, I'm about ready to hang this one up. I for some reason cannot jack up the rear of my r3.
I have changed the rear tire multiple times before, and I still cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
I have used a motorcycle jack before with a ratchet strap. It was at the rear of the oil...
hey team,
I’m wanting to remove the headlamp housing on my 2010 Roadster to paint it. Is there a way to remove the head lamp housing without cutting and re-wiring the globe plug? The hole in the back of the housing seems too small to get the plug out
I have a coolant leak at the neck coming from the top coolant hose. Is it possible to take the Oil tank loose without draining the oil to access it? Thanks!!!
2011 Roadster. Working on the removal of the main wiring harness that runs on the right side. It appears there is no disconnect between this harness and the two gauges. Is this really the case? Are there disconnect plugs within the gauges?
Hard to imagine they are permanently attached to the...
You are probably sick of the shim tool, but I thought I would post one more version I made.
I fabricated one of the posted tools for Paul, but he expressed some concerns with the tool ideas. He was concerned about having only one of the screws in place on what he described as a...
Changing the tires on a 2015 R3R, the full walkthrough. Admin, feel free to move this to a more applicable spot if necessary, and anyone feel free to chime in with better ways to do any steps this amateur went with.
I just walked in from the garage after my first attempt at doing the tires on...
Hi, I wondering how difficult is it to remove the rear wheel from an R3 Roadster? Is it a straight forward procedure once it's lifted and the axle is taken out? Is it a matter of just pulling it out like a car wheel off or are there springs etc that go flying off in all directions. Any help...
Got some requests to tell how I did it on my 2011 R3.
First, let me say that I don't really think it matters what COP you use... they take a charge, then discharge it at the pulse.. nothing magic about it and our R3 uses normal plugs so again, nothing magic...
I found another member who did...
I have a 2014 RIIIR and I THINK I need a new back tire, as it has a flat strip down the middle. It rides fine and still has some tread. How do you know when it is time to replace it?
When the time comes, I’d love to be able to remove the rear wheel and take it into the shop - partly to save...
Hi all,
I have removed the secondary throttle butterflies and fitted a ram air filter on my '04 Rocket. Is it safe to remove the bar to which the butterflies are attached thus leaving no obstructions to the air flow into the throttle?
I have refitted the screws to stop the annoying whistle but...
Would someone be able to tell how to remove and clean the breather at the top of the rear drive / bevel box?
It is something I have to check to try and figure out what is going on and causing an oil leak.
Hi everyone,
Just after a bit of advice really, I am part way through fitting a set of after market crash bars (prior to fitting of a belly pan) and need to remove the front engine mounting bolt in order to locate the right hand side upper bracket. The fitting instructions are limited and...
Seat removal on the Rocket seems to be a popular forum subject, but I can't seem to find an answer to my specific problem.
I just bought a 2012 Roadster about a week ago. The seat is in 2 parts, the main rider seat and a small passenger 'pad' on the rear fender. The main seat I was able to...
Ok, new to R3's. I have a R3R. I am trying to remove previously installed speaker wiring and it is getting caught up under the tank. I think I'll have to tank the tank off. Is removing it as simple as taking the bolt off at the top of the tank and the pin under the front of the seat? I...
If you remove the O2 sensor because your tune does not use it, will it cause a code? I talking about if you actually unhook it, plug the opening and actually take it off the bike.
My understanding is...if you leave it on the bike unused, it will deteriorate and go bad if not removed.
Well I am down to the last two bolts to split the case on my 05 "locked up Transmission" engine. The only thing stopping me was the Stator/Rotor Assembly. Didn't want to spend 76 bucks on the tool, so I rented one from a dealership yesterday. Just came in from the garage to get some feedback...