
  1. Late October Dragon Bike Rally

  2. Baxter Cycle Rally

    Baxter's is coming up shortly on August 18th and 19th. I'll be going up on Friday the 17th or possibly even Thursday the 16th. This rally is located in Marne, Iowa, very close to Atlantic and about half way between Omaha and Des Moines on I 80. This is more of a Triumph, European, and antique...
  3. First oil change in the "Shade of a Tree" (literally)

    Hey guys, this is for those who have done their own oil change because they would have first hand experience. And, as usual, I hope the answers assist other captains in understanding what they should expect if they choose to do the same. I drained the main case and got about a cup or two (8...
  4. Rot Rally (Austin)

    t's getting close, Are there any captions planning on being there? My self and hopefully Raymond will be there along with another couple.
  5. Rally to Ridgecrest

    There is a rally coming up in Ridgecrest North Carolina, Memorial Day Weekend. May 25--May 28. This will be at the ridgecrest conference center, and lodging is available on the campus. I will be going from Fort White Florida, this will be a little over 1000 miles round trip for me. It will...
  6. British & Uuripean bike rally

    It is held in Ulm Texas on may 18 - 20th
  7. British in the Blueridge Rally

    During the weekend of June 8-10, The Greater Atlanta British Motorcycle Association will have it's 22nd British in the Blueridge Rally at the Bald Mountain park in Hiawasse, Georgia. This is a great event to attend for a weekend of camping and riding. The place is a huge campground with modern...
  8. Lone star / other rallys

    Here is some information and dates for the Lone Star Rally in Galveston TX. It also has dates and links for other rally's around the country. The Wedsite is (http://www.lightningcustoms.com/lonestarrally.html)
  9. Baxter Rally Pics!!

    I did get a few pics this year... but with the bad weather and because I could barely walk I didn't get as many as usual... Here is my new ride... I had to trade the Rocket and some cash... I would like this for a lawn ornament just to piss off my neighbors.... Here is a trailer hitch... it...