
  1. Mark your calendar. Blue Ridge British Bike Rally

    The 1st Annual Blue Ridge British Bike Rally (BRBBR) - Jack-Be-Quick
  2. 76th Annual Sturgis Rally Cancelled

    Just got through talking to my daughter who lives in Sturgis ,South Dakota. I guess the last rally took it's toll on the community. 76th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Cancelled News 76th Annual 2016 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
  3. Australian Triples Rally

    Holty will be there taking photos. I'll post some when he puts them up.
  4. [Jun 5, 2015] RALLYMAN RIDE 2015.... (NSW)

    This is an Awesome event for all, let's see how man Rocket's we can get down there, make these Harley Riders feel a little overwhelmed with power.......
  5. British triples rally Ballina.

    This was on the same weekend as Leyburn. 44 registered bikes this year. Longest distance ridden from Albany WA 10,000 Klm return. I would like to get down and have a look at these bikes one year
  6. Baxter Cycle British Bike Rally

    Anyone going to Baxter Cycle for the bike rally? Demo rides, old iron, and general bike fun. I was hoping to get my BSA Lightning up and running but no time this year... See one of these before:
  7. Triumph National Rally June 27-29 July 2014

    While I cannot be with everyone out in Colorado for RAA, I will be at this rally on the last day, Sunday. The Triumph Rally is at the Oley, PA fairgrounds, 26 Jefferson St. in oley, PA. Here is the link for those who would like to see what is on the venue... http://triumphnationalrally.com/...
  8. [Jan 1, 2014] 2014 USA Motorcycle Events (Rally)

    2014 Motorcycle Rally Events Florida Motorcycle Expo & BikeBuilders Invitational January 24 -26 Clearwater, FL. Mid America Motorcycle Expo January 25 - 26 Evansville, IN. Pig in the Ground Rally January 31 - February 2 Nacogdoches, TX. Colorado Motorcycle Expo - 36thAnnual...
  9. Triumph National 22/24 August2014 Rat Rally Coffs Harbour

    G'day Blokes Just found out about this ,Maybe old news but just in case anyone missed it.I may go or save my pennies and leave pass from home lol for RDU Melbourne Details WWW.triumphmotorcycles.com.au Cheers
  10. IVMC Rally - Ride and Show

    Time to head out with the old Yamaha for the IVMC annual Rally-Ride today and the show is tomorrow. About 40 to 50 old bikes usually show up for the Rally-Ride on Saturday and about 200 + come to the show on Sunday.
  11. OK - It's R+D time. Lights naturally

    Now - I have been reading through the EU regulations regarding single track vehicle lighting and found a rather interesting clause. CORNERING LIGHTS. Here's the premise. A normal bike headlight aims left of centre when you bank to the right - actually giving less light than a car which is...
  12. Valla Beach Rally

    This was always a great weekend.
  13. 300 plus HP naturally aspirated.....

    Congrats to Les Trirocket for this magnificent achievement!! Crate Engine??? | Page 3 | R3Owners Is this a world record???? Just about gotta be????
  14. Nulli secundus rally

    The triumph owners mcc australia will be holding the rally on the 31st january till the 2nd feb $25 prepaid or $30 at the gate food & beer on site or take your own.No dogs,class or fires also it is open to any make of bike.Nearly forgot it is held at nug nug reserve myrtleford.If you need any...
  15. [Oct 20, 2013] Changing of the Colors Rally 2013 (Hatfield, AR)

    I know of a couple R3T owners that will be there. All are welcome. Six miles South of Mena Arkansas.
  16. Rockets Across Oz, literally...

    G'day blokes, Any suggestions (other than the train) for transporting a Rocket from Perth to Melb for the GP and therefore RDU 2014? Don't have the time to ride across and back and can't seem to find an R3 for hire anywhere in Vic. It is cheaper to hire a bike for 10 days than it is to...
  17. Upcoming Bike Rallys in Pa. Wv.

    thunderinthecascades.com 6-28 thru 6-30 gettysburgbikeweek.com 7-12 thru 7-14 carlisleevents.com 7-19 thru 7-21 wvmountainfest.com 7-24 thru 7-28
  18. Republic of Texas Biker Rally

    Thought somebody might be interested n this... ROT Biker Rally
  19. Oz -37th All British Rally

    BSA Owners Club is running it's All British Rally again on 25th - 28th April 2013 down at Old Newstead Racecourse in Victoria.. anyone interested in going ??
  20. Triumph owners nulli secundas rally

    :DThe rally will be held on the 1st-2nd & 3rd of february 2013 at NUG NUG RESERVE MYRTLEFORD. It is open too any one & any make of bike $20 prepaid or $25 at the gate only prepaid's will get rally badge's. If any one is interested let me know & i will mail you rally form's :D