
  1. SHORT NOTICE - Season Closer - All Bikes Welcome. Sweetgrass, Montana USA / Coutts, Alberta CANADA

    Going to the last big run of the season in Sweetgrass Montana this weekend and would love to have a fellow Rocket owner also show up..... It will be dull with all the SLOW Harleys and Indians there and could use the extra muscle ..... August 25,26,27
  2. Triumph National Rally June 25-26 in Oley, PA

    Got a vintage magazine in the mail today and saw this in the events section. I never heard of it but its not far from me. Triumph National Rally
  3. RAA West - Leakey Reconnaissance Rally

    Sorry for the short notice but the 2021 Rocket Across America (singular) Leakey Spring pre-event Reconnaissance Ride commences in 30 minutes. Meet at the intersection of Rt83 and Ranch Road 337. 335 and 336 will be on the roster for tomorrow.
  4. LoneStar Rally 2019

    Anyone going? What days?
  5. What I did on my summer vacation

    Well I had another successful Midwest Triumph Riders Rally. This year we went to Dubuque Iowa. God has truly kissed this area. We had 16 bikes on Friday and 25 on Saturday. Weather was wonderful. I did 1012 miles in the 4 day trip.
  6. 2020 Bert Munro Challenge Feb 5 to 9.

    Rights guys and gals The Burt is on again less than 6 months away. I am heading down again on the Rocket for the 3rd time. I'm thinking of getting away From Christchurch on Sunday the 2nd heading down the West Coast. Tenting at a few towns in the way. I hope to get a few rides to some...
  7. AFTER - 2019 Triumph Bennington Bash & Americade Rally pics part 1 of

    I didn't take many pictures of these two events but here are the decent ones. Mostly excellent riding weather for the 8 days. I recommend both events in 2020. Bash - around 30 bikes, mostly Triumphs but a few welcome others as well Rally - maybe 100,000 coming & going?? Seemed less than...
  8. Chippewa Rally Boots

    Picked up a pair of these for $135 US with free shipping from Sheplers while I was Stateside. Great price but they have limited sizes left (Looks like these boots are on the chopping block). I love em. They look great with jeans. Have been breaking them in. Ordered a size 10D and they fit...
  9. 10-12 May 2019 RAT rally in Bateman's Bay NSW organised by Triumph Australia

    Batemans Bay RAT May 10 at 8 AM – May 12 at 11 AM The Triumph Australia national RAT Rally is an event that brings together Triumph riders and enthusiasts to experience new models, epic rides and exclusive immersion in the Triumph Brand. This year, we're excited to announce the 2019 Triumph...
  10. Ross Motorcycle Rally Tasmania 2018

    Just in case anyone in here is planning a lap of Tasmania or looking for an excuse to do a lap in November 2018. The Ross Motorcycle Rally is on again. Tends to be a day when you can air your older bike and look through a variety of stalls, trailers with all sorts of stuff for sale & checkout...
  11. Bill & Kevin's Excellent Adventure

    Kevin and I hosted a Rally for our Midwest group this past weekend. Here is a little highlight video. Hope you all enjoy it . We did.
  12. Blue Ridge British Bike Rally

    Blue Ridge British Bike Rally 3 Friday 9/21/18 through Saturday, 9/22/18 Rally start both days will be at Peaks of Otter Visitor center (NOT the lodge); milepost 86 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Kickstands up @ 10:00 A.M. Sorry this took so long, guys & gals, but I had to struggle with either...
  13. Kentucky Rally

    Great times ahead. I belong to a group (Bonnevilleamerica.com) that has a Kentucky Rally every year. We are gathering next Thursday, August 28th, in Adairville Kentucky at the Trailer of Sin for 4 days of freedom. I went last year on the America alone and did 1526 miles in 5 days. We are...
  14. Away at "The Hat Rally"

    I will be away from home till Sunday arvo as I am at The Hat Rally in the Araleuen Valley , overnight temp is meant to get down to -4 tonight so much refreshment will be consumed to help stay warm above are a couple of picture I have taken today so far
  15. Midwest Triumph Riders Rally

    As you can see I was not the only Rocket on the trip. Eldon Avery has the same Rocket. It is really strange riding with another Rocketeer. I love his old Vetter Trunk he has mounted on the back. We had a Bonnie, Street Twin, America, 3 T-Birds and 2 Rockets.
  16. 2017 iron butt rally has begun

    The 2017 iron butt rally has begun. Has anybody ever attempted it? Sounds like fun, but I really don't think I could ride that many miles in 11 days with such little sleep. Anyway, if you want to follow it the below link will get you to the right spot. d- 2017 Iron Butt Rally
  17. The year of the Triple - CVMG National Rally - 2017

    The CVMG National Rally is June 16th through June 18th 2017. This years theme is "the year of the Triple". It would be supportive of the theme if there was a large number of R3's at the show. Since this is father day's weekend and Sunday is reserved for my family I'll plan on attending the...
  18. Midwest Triumph Riders Indiana Rally

    I belong to a Facebook Group "Midwest Triumph Riders" and we are holding our first rally June 15th to June 18th. Located out of Salem Indiana. If you have an interest in this group and/or joining the rally please join our page. I am one of the members putting this together. don't say I...
  19. 2017 Australian Triumph RAT Rally Hahndorf SA 7-9th April

    Hi guys, as most of you will know the 2017 Triumph RAT Rally is being held in Hahndorf SA, from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th April. For those of you that may be thinking of attending I will have bed's, couches and room for swags along with secure under cover parking (not sure at this stage as to how...
  20. Blue Ridge British Bike Rally

    The 1st Annual Blue Ridge British Bike Rally (BRBBR) - Jack-Be-Quick